Acceptable level of crime?



In Guardathink is there an acceptable level of crime? I know that Giuliani started something that became the 'three strike' policy....... Anyway, according to reports it has been hugely successful. I know the Guarda will never be privatised but ..... the way things are going! Conflicting figures, massaged figures, their PR folk going on the defensive if any questions are raised, the ring fence mentality and the all pervasive fear of a good cop speaking out.
I read recently of a martial arts guy in England who seemingly went to town on someone attempting to burgle his home. The 'victim' was apparently in a bad way and was hoping for some sympathy and possibly even charges to be brought. The judge was however a no nonsense type who told the would be burglar " tough - you deserved it, what did you expect?" or something along those lines.

My point is I suppose, if judges took a more practical line there would be much less incentive for thugs - who often know what they'll get away with. At street level, I strongly believe (with few exceptions) that every crime should receive punishment of some sort - not necessarily custodial, but fines, confiscation of possessions, compulsory community work...whatever.

I realise there are staffing and budgetary concerns for the gardaí but a soft, spineless system is as much if not more of a problem.
I always liked the ancient Israelite method of dealing with thieves - make them pay back 4 times what they took. That particular punishment always seemed quite fair to me.
3 chances/strikes and then lose a finger for every subsequent offence
Yes, there is an acceptable level of crime.
If it's more hassle than it's worth or if it's organised crime and the bad guys are killing each other then it's OK.
If a family member kills a family member and leaves forensics all over the place then they Guarda will jump all over it.
The lesson to be learned from this and other posts in this forum is that you can burgle or vandalise a house or car and the Gardai won't bother with you, but if you do 35 in a 30 zone - 'you're nicked'.
As a fee paying member of this economy called Ireland, I'm not sure those are the priorities I would like. Then again, asides from making noises here or on liveline etc. - it seems we are powerless but to (as Rainyday would say ) accept it or move elsewhere.