Accent wall in bedroom - which one?


Registered User
Hi all,

Want to paint one of the walls in our bedroom one of the Dulux Cocoa Blush tones, rest of walls will be cream - any ideas as to which wall should be painted? Is there any rule to this or just wherever? I was thinking of painting the wall around the window - or would this make the room appear too dark?


if it's a bright room it shouldn't be. We went for that wall because the room is long and narrow and I wanted to "shorten" it by putting a bold pattern on the wall.
Darker colours appear to bring the walls in more so if your bedroom's long and narrow as moneygrower suggests i would paint one of the end walls as the accent wall. For a bedroom most showhouses i've seen tend to go for the wall behind the bed. Really depends on the layout of your room.
Paint the wall that natural light will 'bounce' off the most. This will keep the room bright, whereas if you go for the darker areas of the room it tends to close it in a bit.
Thanks guys

the room's just rectangular so it's not long and narrow. Also it doesn't tend to be that bright so maybe I should paint the accent wall on the wall opposite the window....

anyway, thanks for the input
