ABS:focus on the cost of govermt salaries, ministers, td's, senators, president, cllr


Registered User
Does any of this report focus on the cost of government salaries - ministers, td's, senators, president, local councillors. While I realise the actual savings would be small fry in terms of the actual deficit owed, I am more annoyed everyday when more and more news of salaries, expenses, pensions, double pensions are aired and you hear of ministers, td's, judges etc refusing to take 5% cuts etc while the public in general are hit with 20% 30%, short weeks and job losses. There is no leadership. The like of these people on 200k+ telling the public they need to be realistic and everybody has the bare the pain while they are chauffeured around. The only people currently going into government and elections are people who want to get on the gravy train - forget the good of the country. Leadership and balls needs to be shown by some party and that is where my next vote will go --

Minister Pay Max 140k
TD's Pay Max 70K
All expenses claimed requires receipts
Pensions only after 10 years service - does not need to be consecutive
Pension @ 65 only

Cut number of Ministers, TD's Councillors, Senators

Cease payment of disappointment money etc etc

I could go on but I would be typing till tomorrow.

God I am so annoyed with this government and sadly this great country of ours has no real hope as those inwaiting are no better - they want to keep all the existing perks.If government had any real care for the country and its people they should be at their desk right now looking for solutions instead of going on holidays. They have no understanding on life in the real world. An Bord Snip - hit the public but stay away from the government gravy train.
Re: An Bord Snip - What about the government

As they say welcome to the real world, it was ever thus and it will take a long time to change, its a con and rip off but who voted them in in the first place.

They are paid more than any other TD/MP in Europe and the electorate is about 1/20th of Germany's , in a nutshell they have no shame/integrity.

Re: An Bord Snip - What about the government

TD's Pay Max 70K

I share your despair but i admit i wouldnt do their job for many multiples of 70k.
And i know most people wouldn't touch the job with a barge pole either. To be a politician you have to have a brass neck and be ruthless. They spend most of their time trying to out do each other and the rest looking for their next vote.

Could you imagine having to go to funerals just to be seen?

Or every time you go out the door, somebody comes up to you looking for a favour.

Would you honestly do it? No thanks.