About to become puppy parent - help!


Registered User
Our 8 week old terrier cross puppy (girl) arrives from the Dog Sanctury on Tuesday. What do I need and where do I start? I dont want to go out and buy everything that a dog could ever want (cant afford it) but need to know what the basic 'kit' is. Any advice on the dreaded 'training'?
Congrats Olivia. You'll be very happy.

Basic needs are:

1. Drinking bowl
2. Food bowl
3. Dog mat/rug (something they can call their bed and where they are safe - it helps them settle)
4. Small toy/ball (make sure it's safe and can't be pulled apart or choked on)

For training, there are lots of guides on the net. But basically, get yourself a big stash of "healthy" treats and prepare for constant repetition.

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Oh and don't be tempted to let her sleep in your bed over the first few days. Once you do that, she'll be there forever! :)

When we got our puppy we were advised to put a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel in the bed with him, supposedly because he would miss the warmth of his mother and it would help him sleep. it seemed to work for us.

good luck and enjoy
1. Bring to vet for check-up and to arrange vaccinations (although your rescue will probably already have done this, but check with them to make sure).

After that, the list posted by sun_sparks is A1.

After covering the basics, next most important job as soon as she is old enough (vet will advise) is to get her spayed.
helan72 said:
When we got our puppy we were advised to put a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel in the bed with him, supposedly because he would miss the warmth of his mother and it would help him sleep. it seemed to work for us.

good luck and enjoy

Better idea (rather than have her burn herself) would be to get one of the . I would wonder though with the present hot spell if this would be necessary at all.
Great advice above and i can only add pay particular attention to socialising the dog properly (google search for it) and you can never start this too early.
Good advice above, also I read somewhere to put a ticking clock in with them so they think its their mothers heartbeat ... don't know if its effective, we didn't bother with the clock when we got our guy at 2 months and he was fine ... 14 1/2 years later he is still going ok but reckon he doesn't have too many years left.

You can also get a free puppy pack from Pedigree Chum

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ticking clock is great,you can get one in aros for about € 7

wrap it in a towel where the puppy sleeps

get a kong form the pet store, you can put food in it and it keeps the dog occupied

our puppy is now 16 weeks and still growing be prepared for laughing and sleepless nights!

good luck
gar123 said:
ticking clock is great,you can get one in aros for about € 7

wrap it in a towel where the puppy sleeps

get a kong form the pet store, you can put food in it and it keeps the dog occupied

our puppy is now 16 weeks and still growing be prepared for laughing and sleepless nights!

good luck

What's a kong?

Update: Just came across this and wonder where they are sold. Have visited many pet shops
and have never seen them.
sueellen said:
What's a kong?

Update: Just came across this and wonder where they are sold. Have visited many pet shops
and have never seen them.

I think they have them in the pet shop in Temple Road, Blackrock.
See here for some ideas on stuffing:
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I'm sure they sell them too but I didn't see them when I had a quick look just now.
i picked one up in the pet store in blanch, basically a kinda indestructable toy that keeps the dog busy