Abolition of the groceries order ... has anyone noticed a difference?

Henny Penny

Registered User
Just curious ... has anyones' grocery bill reduced since the abolition of the groceries order?
is it only gone a few days?
I will report back after the weekend which is when i do my shop!
The national media coverage of this topic this week has been shamefully bad. The main theme of this coverage has been that the multiples will now be able to start price wars on items such as bread, milk etc as the regulations governing the pricing of such items has now been abolished. This is absolute codswallop given that the GO never, ever covered perishable foodstuffs!
I agree with you ubiquitous as these items milk,bread etc...can't get much lower and are at rock bottom already. It is the other artificially high priced items that need to come down and not just loads of loss leaders on bread,milk and nothing else. It is the expensive items like washing powders,cleaning agents etc... that should come down.