Abolish Transition year/school starting age/fees

On a related point, we also need to stop this fascination with third level education and the idea that everyone has to go to college. There are many courses offered by the various third level colleges that are simply there to attract numbers and offer very little.
I always find it bizzare that the government can't make the connection between the bad marks in Maths and the fact that over half the maths teahers are qualified in this area.

[broken link removed]

No problem at all, Firefly. Much more importantly, maybe we could go back to the Beamish Vs Murphy's debate. We need more meaningful debate and discussion down here in The Depths.

It appears that Marion is now a regular and seasoned Beamish drinker. I'm still working on Sue Ellen...... If she converts, you'll be left on your own, drinking inferior porter at around 50c more per pint! Do the maths. In a few years, you'd have saved enough for that house extension or the month long cruise that you've probably secretly been planning for Mrs. Firefly and yourself. And Beamish also makes you more attractive to women. (Well, it works for me anyway).

Any truth in the rumour that, in his next movie, James Bond will forsake his "shaken, not stirred" Martini, for a pint of Beamish? You heard it here first! And if that doesn't sway Sue Ellen, nothing will!

Post of the year Lex! Just what I needed.

Was in the Holy Land today for lunch and took a customary glance at the Beamish tap. It was gleaming...in the way that something new and never used is. Having said that, I'd certainly be on to welcome our jackeen friends to the LV for a few pints of whatever. Maybe a Pepis challenge with Murphs and Beamish.

The name's Bond...Seamus Bond !

You, me, Marion and Sue Ellen together in The Long Valley................. Tongues would wag!

Still, that Pepsi Challenge is a great idea. And some of us would still have the price of a batter burger supper in our pocket at the end of the night's embibing.
Would you two, "get a room"..

Meanwhile back in the Capital of our lovely/Godforsaken country,Guinness ahh now we are talking quality|!!
Would you two, "get a room"..

Meanwhile back in the Capital of our lovely/Godforsaken country,Guinness ahh now we are talking quality|!!

I do prefer drinking Guinness when I'm putting them away as I find it a lot blander. If I'm just out for a few though it's Murphy's all the way.*

* 2 young childers now anyway so it's all in the past/future

You'd need something to take the taste away
Would you two, "get a room"..

Meanwhile back in the Capital of our lovely/Godforsaken country,Guinness ahh now we are talking quality|!!

I do prefer drinking Guinness when I'm putting them away as I find it a lot blander. If I'm just out for a few though it's Murphy's all the way.*

* 2 young childers now anyway so it's all in the past/future

Guinness blander than Murphy's? Murphy's tastes like water. How can you get blander than water?
I find Murphys can be a bit sweet after a while, as opposed to that sour muck they brew on The Southside

Actually, that reminds me of a place we used to go drinking for a while in college. It's called Pat Buckley's pub (across the road from John Buckley's sport shop (no relation) up the hill after crossing the Opera House bridge). Aaanyway, Pat is the woman owner and it's a great spot for local drinkers. The men's toilet is out the back and for the ladies she used to give out her key for upstairs where she lived. If you ordered a Guiness you got it in a Guinness glass, a Murphys in a Murphys glass and so on, but she didn't serve Beamish as it was brewed on the southside!!! For anyone who doesn't know, the pub is located about 100 yards away from the river on the northside!
I find Murphys can be a bit sweet after a while, as opposed to that sour muck they brew on The Southside

Beamish is now brewed in the Murphy/Heineken Brewery in Blackpool. I'm fairly sure that the make Murphy's from the leftovers.......