Abandoned BMW


Registered User
I have a BMW 1985 abandoned on my property. Guards cannot find last owner.
If done up it could make about 6K as a classic car. How can I legitimately get this car in my name. ? What about road tax ? I don't know when it was last taxed. I have it about 4 years.
Would appreciate any advice.
Get a statutory declaration drawn up and post to Shannon's along with a specific form they have. Call them first and they set up a reference number.

They then notify the registered owner and if the owner doesn't care or doesn't reply within 21 days or similar, Shannon issue a new log book in your name.
Kceire. Thank you so much for your response. Ahem... how do I get a statutory declaration drawn up ? My apologies for knowing so little.
Kceire. Thank you so much for your response. Ahem... how do I get a statutory declaration drawn up ? My apologies for knowing so little.

First you ring Shannon and tell them the story. They set up a reference file and post you a form to get signed and stamped.

Then you get the declaration at a solicitor or similar person.

Post it back and the process takes 30 days or something.