aan service men told to stay away from London!


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American service men told to stay away from London!

What kind of signal does the above give to the terrorists. I think it helps the terrorists think that they are winning the "war on terror" if Americans are being urged to stay away from London. This is the exact reaction that the terrorists are looking for and are in contrast to the urgings of Tony Blair after the 9/11 bombings when he urged tourists to still travel to America to help their economy!
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I can't see the problem.

I'm sure they we're probably told to stay away in the direct aftermath of the bombings, which makes great sense.

The decision is currently being reviewed so it will probably be overturned now that the high alert has been dropped somewhat.

I don't actually recall Tony Blair telling anyone to go to New York to help American economy
I heard on the news last night that a Muslim woman had been asked to get off a bus yesterday. A few of the passengers were objecting to her. The bus conductor then stepped up and asked her to get off. He even said it was a knee jerk reaction but he still made her get off nonetheless.
Developments such as this are more worrying in my opinion.
Re: American service men told to stay away from London!

they was changed back last night... they can all go to london again
I think it helps the terrorists think that they are winning the "war on terror"

They (terrorists, insurgents, illegal combatants, whatever...) are winning the 'war on terror'. Guerilla warfare is very difficult to combat. They only have to be lucky once to carry off a bombing.

ID cards etc, won't make a blind bit of difference apart from the erosion of civil liberties. Indeed, such measures are themselves indicative that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are losing the 'war on terror'.

Looks like oil prices are set to keep on rising.
re: ID cards. As the war on terror continues, you will hear the word "freedom" more and more, but will experience less and less of it.
In the USA all adults are obliged to carry official picture ID with them at all times. This usually takes the form of a drivers liscence.