AAM's property assets hit new high of £72 billion

The penetrative analysis is always good on AAM but doubly so in this thread!
You mustn't be moving in the right circles!
So you find a circular motion effective than? Or do you mean (bringing this thread full circle!) that I'm not mixing with enough VIs?
The penetrative analysis is always good on AAM
Yes, especially the way posters come at both sides of an issue.
some of them are reluctant to swallow their words though.
So you find a circular motion effective than? Or do you mean (bringing this thread full circle!) that I'm not mixing with enough VIs?

The second one, if VI means man in a vest who's interested.

Yes, especially the way posters come at both sides of an issue.

I don't think the analysis has been that penetrative, sure the replies have only just reached double digits!!!