AAM's property assets hit new high of £72 billion

Good job we got rid of those bears the other day. Now - anybody for the last of the DP and caviar?
DP I got - Dom Perignon ( I think) but whats VIs?

I remember once standing in front of Dixons window in the Jervis Centre realising that I didn't know what most of the things in the window were. I feel a bit the same with DP's and VI's

True VIs* know that DP is a type of champagne and not a saucy adult practice.

* Vested Interests
yup. still a few of us lurking in the long grass. the anarchy of the property pin is a bit confusing. Btw is it not possible to do DP with a bottle of DP?
Dulux Paint is hardly a dirty proposition ... provided you prepare the area in advance and handle the equipment carefully.

digital photography
Have you got adult search results turned off? Photography is sometimes involved, certainly. If the folks from the fishy threads were here, we'd have had some penetrating double entendres by now!