AAM's biggest threat ever

Yeah... on the one hand the plethora of property market speculation threads that generally rehash the same old predictable and boring stuff is annoying. On the other hand it keeps all those contributors occupied so they don't mess up other more useful threads.
Indeed- like this thread for example. Hey, if everyone keeps going this might just become the longest thread on AAM..then the title
( or at least what the title should have been) will have been strangely prescient. And then the person who started the thread about mediums will be pm-ing Purple like the new time.

aahhh... so the likes of the ' Current public sentiment towards the housing market' thread is actually a decoy ....designed to keep alot of the crap in one thread and away from other threads...thus making it a bit easier for the mods!

Now I get it...... good idea
In effect the tread could have been bigger. The current " Sentiment" tread took over from the "House market weakening" tread which was closed on 5 July after 37,000 views. This tread effectively took over from " Anyone selling a house" which received 13,000 views. This had succeeded the "House prices can't be sustained" discussion

However I think the most informed, prescient and accurate posts can be found on the "Sell now. Bubble about to burst" tread from May 1999.