AAM Election Manifesto!

Only people with something to hide (subversive elements of our society) would be against such measures.

People such as...
Joanne Hayes?
Brian Rossiter?
Derek Fairbrother?
Frank McBrearty?
John Carthy?
Peter Matthews (Shercock, Co. Cavan)?
Frank Short?

Google these names if you don't know what I'm talking about.
McDowells a gonner - fingers crossed x

Personally or the party? I imagine he will retain his seat but PDs might be in for heavy losses.

Martin Ferris is the only one so far who's asked for my vote.I'm still waiting to see if anyone else will call. Am annoying my father intensely by saying Martin is getting my number one since no one else wants it. Have to hand it to Sin Fein - there is no doubt that they are grafters.
Good point about Martin Ferris(though I'd rather slash my wrists than vote for Shinners).I'm a lot more impressed by a canvas in person as oppossed to the absolute waste of paper that's shoved through my letter box(so much for Bertie's Green agenda!!FF seem to be the biggest culprits!
Back to Firefly's original post and what next government should deliver:

I think people would hope the next government could guarantee them a safe supply of drinking water, unlike the current shower that don't seem to be to restore said same right to the people of Galway.
How about:

The right to use 'reasonable force' to protect ones property,
Road Tax spent on roads...nothing else and drop the rates if they intend spending less than the projected income from road tax,
Forcing Eircom to commit to a 7-day compliance on new connections,
forcing Eircom to unbundle the local loops in 24 hours, or else...
Subsidising the production of biofuels in Ireland and not applying petrol excise on biofuel (Royal Biofuels story lately)
Don't spend millions on Leopardstown/e-voting/PPARS/etc without sorting out the funding for suicide prevention (never mentioned even though it exceeds road deaths yearly), autism funding, oncology depts in EVERY General Hospital, etc.
Follow the UN now and again instead of the US,
Sort out the mess of a deal with the RCC which saw them pay sfa for the abuse debacle and get what is right, not what is 'convenient',
Bring in a hardass Garda Ombudsman,
Do a Maggie on the unions <ducks for cover>,
Drop the price of the TV license until RTE start making things like Pure Mule etc more common and not expecting us to pay for the likes of Seoige & O'Shea <shudder>,
Lose the PC rubbish and say what you mean, we'll respect you more for it,
If a vested interest is involved in anything, expell them and have an expert panel of non-biased, independent, free-thinking people (National Childrens Hospital springs to mind)
and the toughest ask of all,

Be Honest and Forthright in everything you do as an elected representative of the people and do everything in your power to do what's GOOD and RIGHT for the MAJORITY of the country.

Whichever party promises the most gets my vote (and will keep it if they deliver!).

Too much to ask in a 21st century Banana Republic Democracy ??????????
Right then.

I'd like:

A dramatic increases in sentences for murder, manslaughter, rape, child abuse and internet child porn. And animal cruelty. (Check out the evidence that shows those who are cruel to animals, especially in their youth, 'progress' to child cruety and beyond. It's staggering).

An end to children's allowance and lone parents' payments, to be replaced by a voucher-type system that by-passes parents and ensures children are provided with the necessities in life, eg decent food, clothing, home utilities (electricity, heat, etc), school essentials, etc. Time to stop giving the parents the cash.

A greater effort to track down absent parents. When found an appropriate percentage of their earnings/social welfare should go towards the above, ie the necessities in life for their children. No need to make all the pathetic mistakes of Britain's CSA, it can be done, successfully.

A major, major effort to ensure that immigrant workers receive the same rights/protection/pay as 'native' workers. And yes Fianna Fail, that includes the construction industry.

Most importantly of all, a seismic effort to sort out our health system, whatever it takes - and if that includes higher tax, so be it.

A determination that our elderly will receive the very best of care, whatever it takes - again, if that includes higher tax, so be it. We owe them that much. This includes the provision of free care either in residential homes, which should be monitored on a weekly, not yearly, basis, or in a non-residential capacity, where those senior citizens who wish to remain in their own homes can do so, with the help of the state (ie constant care and attention, meals, etc).

Free everything for the over 70s - no tax on their earnings, free medical care (of the top class kind), etc. If they have worked and paid tax all their lives it's the least they deserve.

That's just for starters, will have a think about the rest of my manifesto.
Here my Dream-List:

  1. Join the Schengen agreement
    Pending some sort of agreement with the NI goverment.
  2. People who cause death when drink driving need to be charged with MURDER!
  3. Term Limits for TD's/Ministers
  4. FLAT Tax system with reducement of the stealth taxes
  5. Reform the Health System!
    Including hire staff that is resonable paid and deliveres performance. And I mean private sector performance.
  6. I'm with Pique318: Do a Maggie on the unions!
    I'm not even ducking for cover for that one!
  7. Reform Public Transportation to make it more attractive for passengers and allow competition into it. London public transportation is good, could work here.
  8. Fire the DAA management! Get Dennis to build his alternative Airport!
  9. Sell Aer Lingus
    We don't need a Ryanair II protected with my tax money!
  10. Force AnPost to fullfill it's Universal Services Obligations!
  11. Force Eircom to fullfill it's Universal Services Obligations!
  12. Modernize the Garda Force (both technical and mentaly).
    It needs to become a service for the public. It's not about more rights for them, it's about ensuring they can do what we expect them to be "Guardians of the Peace".
But than again, what do I know....
People such as...
Joanne Hayes?
Brian Rossiter?
Derek Fairbrother?
Frank McBrearty?
John Carthy?
Peter Matthews (Shercock, Co. Cavan)?
Frank Short?

Google these names if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Again another misguided comment linking John Carthy to corruption in the Garda Siochana. Nobody, not even Justice Barr or the Carthy family suggested for one second, that corruption had anything to do with the events in Abbeylara. This cynical lazy view that the likes of Dunphy have espoused and Ubiquitous has repeated is highly offensive to the people involved that day.

My partial wish list
1) Any tax ostensibly taken for environmental reasons to be spent purely on improving environmental issues.
2) Road tax to be spent on maintaining roads.
3) Any government IT project to be held to the same rules as those in the private domain. If it's been outsourced to a private company and doesn't work, they don't get paid.
4) Stop with the tribunals and start with the prosecutions. If people have been proved guilty of taking/giving bribes, they should be in prison.

Good post...I agree completely.
I'd like to see a commitment to democracy. Put the European Constitution to the people, just the once; not like that shameful carry on after the 'No' to Nice; only the Greens (and I think, the Shinners?) and Dick Roche (before he was offered Minister for Europe) were opposed to a Nice II. Also all Parties conspired to ensure that there wouldn't be a Presidential election. Scrap the daft and wasteful Electronic Voting system. Also I'd like to see an 'Abstain' and/or a 'None of the Above' box on the end of each ballot paper so that those whom wish to exercise their right to vote, but not for the candidates on offer, can register that without being classed as an idiot who can't fill in the ballot paper and being chalked up as a 'Spoilt Vote'.
Again another misguided comment linking John Carthy to corruption in the Garda Siochana.
Where did I make this link? I never used the word corruption. Of course corruption had nothing to do with John Carthy's death. However it is ludicrous to suggest that the Abbeylara siege in which Carthy died did not involve serious errors on the part of at least some elements in the Garda Siochana. The powers given to police forces in free societies are generally subject to restrictions on the basis that errors and injustices do sometimes occur when police forces enjoy unlimited powers. I don't think it is in any way cynical, lazy or offensive to make this rather obvious point.