A td on expenses can save all their salary- is this real??

You gave it credence by linking to it and repeating the incorrect material included in it.

'Tisn't for me to verify its credence ... all I did was point to an article that said that a TD couldn't get by on a €92k salary in its title.

I used the words 'according to' ... I wasn't repeating any incorrect material. I made no comment one way or the other about the article.

I included the link for a reason - so people could read the article themselves.
You seem to be missing the key point that expenses are designed to cover outgoings, so TDs don't really get to save them. They've already spent that money.

also it was in the mail today ....
And that's where I stopped reading.

I can accept if a person incurs expenses in the course of their work they get reimbursed but with receipts. No large organisation will have a flat rate expenses culture it would be economic suicide. so put that to bed immediately.
Not true. Many businesses that have sales staff or others generally based out of a home office have standard per diem expense rates, all unvouched. Makes perfect sense to eliminate the collection and checking of invoices.

The real test of this logic would be whether you would take the same approach for public servants who spend large amounts of their day out of the office, like public health nurses, or visiting teachers, or special educational needs organisers, or litter wardens etc.

At present, these public sector staff have to account for every penny and every mile. All that detailed expense information is available via FOI. TDs need to set the tone for the rest of the public sector, not come up with 'special' rules for them. They're not that special really.

I disagree. A simple smartphone app like any of these could be used to allow TDs to easily and quickly track their travel. The information gathered could be published automatically each week or month. Find an app that integrates with their diary, and this would have the added advantage of greater transparency - so the public can see what the TD is doing and who they are meeting.

I agree - this is indeed part of what happened last time round, particularly with the triumvirate of 2nd generation politicians (Cowan, Lenihan, Coughlan). There is a big risk of this developing, as evidenced by the recent press reports of Bottler O'Reilly's claiming the cost of the Port Tunnel to travel to/from work "because he's worth it".
the local TD is expected to turn up at local events and put his hand in his pocket for drinks, raffles etc (which would not be covered as Expenses).
I'm not sure if this really is a good argument for supporting TD expenses, playing at being a high roller, and buying votes with alcohol. That's a great use of our taxes, being handed out to acquaintances of TDs in drink.
If he wants to buy votes by playing the big man and flashing out the cash, let him do with from his own pocket, not ours.
would extend this invasion of privacy to all stae employees?
Yes, the last thing we should allow is for relatives to follow their elders into politics and put themselves up before the electorate so that the electorate can freely choose to elect them or not. It's not as if kids folow their parents into other careers or anything...