a td can use phone while driving- disgusting

She will go far. But the sad fact is only 38% voted that left an awful lot of people 62% nearly 2/3rds could not be bothered. I think edna accepted that those who did not vote were the silent majority endorsing his term in office.

It was a missed oppurtunity.

I think her point is valid. She has worked with her father for years, learning on the job. She was elected by the people.
I hope you don't think there's no nepotism in medicine.
She has worked with her father for years, learning on the job. She was elected by the people

She spent a paltry two and a half years working with her father, through only one general election that a dressed up donkey with a fine Gael badge could have won given the fall out from the financial crisis and anti-Fianna Fail furore.

I would question what she could have learned on on the job also. At least her father had some experience as a small business owner and working within the private/agriculture sector. I don't see what experience she can draw on to bring effective change and development to the table. Certainly nothing worth the salary she'll receive now.

She even has the gall to state that "she'll be a strong voice for those facing emigration" & maintains she'll speak out for the small business owners - Nicely vague and rabble rousing. Apparently what she has learned is party rhetoric.

She has excellent qualifications and, based on that I assume, is an intelligent woman, but do we really want a representative to walk out of college spend two years working cocooned in the system and then stroll in to a career political job? It's another case of the fox building the chicken coop.

I think this discussion may stray more toward the weakness of the system and the nature of the Parish pump issues electing representatives to deal with national issues.

I think her point is valid / I hope you don't think there's no nepotism in medicine.

I have no doubt that nepotism is prevalent in many sectors but I disagree with her point.

Her cousin wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps, that is perfectly acceptable but there are many hurdles that one must overcome prior to becoming a doctor, Junior/leaving cert grades, university and training etc. that he must have passed to practice medicine.

The comparison to her situation is miles apart. Her father handed her a job, she was with him when he was meeting the electorate and there-by making her face familiar with them, feathering the nest for her and continuing the family legacy after he would step down.
In the end it was a sympathy vote and she should have seen it.