A Public Convenience


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If you ever read through the local papers from small town Ireland and indeed big city Ireland and concentrate on the court pages I am sure you have come across court cases devoted to scallywags fined a few Euros for “urinating in public”.
I know I have and I have tut tutted with the rest of the country at this scandalous behaviour of lads caught with their lads in their hand.

However, I have come to another conclusion. These poor guys should be suing the state (or the local authority) rather than being prosecuted.

I have recently come back from the Isle Of Man and I was amazed to see the large amount of public conveniences and the high standard to which they are maintained. No graffiti and well stocked with paper, soap and hand dryers. Local council workers calling in there to make sure all is well with them.
Also, travelling throughout Europe is a joy if you are caught to spend a penny as you know that the toilets will be available to use once you get there.

Why is it that as a nation Ireland cannot provide public conveniences and the few that are provided are vandalised to the point that it would be dangerous to use them?

Is this just another example (albeit small) of us Irish being unable to govern ourselves?
If a man (or woman) cant “spend a penny” in comfort then we are a failed society.

Just another reason why I am growing to hate Ireland.
Why is it that as a nation Ireland cannot provide public conveniences and the few that are provided are vandalised to the point that it would be dangerous to use them?
I agree with everything you say. I think these points above are interlinked. I think public toilets would be provided and maintained if there was some certainty that they wouldn't be abused - but you just know that unmanned public toilets will be destroyed and just disgusting after a few weeks - sad but true indictment on our people.
While holidaying in New Zealand, we were struck by the number and standard of public toilets. In the middle of nowhere, there would be pristine public loos, stocked with toilet paper, soap and with hot water and air dryers provided - it left such a good impression of a country that cared about visitors.
maybe instead of that stupid apprenticeship scheme, you could top up dole payments by €50 p.w. for someone willing to put in a half hours work twice a day maintaining a local public toilet.

There's lots of jobs like this that could be done
One thing that I find strange is how a lad spending a penny at 2am down some side street is very likely to end up in court, whilst a bus load of lads relieving themselves at the side of the road is chuckled at!
They had a scheme in London the last time I was there where there were public outdoor urinals - not for the bashful!!
They had a scheme in London the last time I was there where there were public outdoor urinals - not for the bashful!!

They have those in little villages in France. It looks like they've been there for generations.
worst smell ever was/is urinals at some GAA venues. I remember vividly the stream of urine flowing outside the jax in Portlaoise a few years back!
but you just know that unmanned public toilets will be destroyed and just disgusting after a few weeks - sad but true indictment on our people.

The unmanned public toilets (modern, coin-operated ones) in Bremen, Germany were absolutely filthy and disgusting when I visited there a few years back - so its not just an Irish problem.
in fairness, some councils here invested in the big modern coin operated ones and then got lambasted over the cost when no when uses them.

The reputation public lavs have for "other activities" here and in the UK wouldn't encourage me to use them either.
In some parts of the UK, the local council will pay an annual fee to some pubs or restaurants to designate their loos as 'public'. I guess there would be very little incremental maintenance cost, and it might even bring in a few extra customers.
I was in Perpignan in southern France on 15th August - religious feast day - and the toilets in the train station were closed due to the holiday!