A nice exspensive restaurant?



Guys n gals,

Am looking for suggestions on where to take a girl for lunch this weekend. We'll be in town (around the Grafton street) area and I want to take her to a nice restaurant to lunch as a treat. Somewhere suave and expensive (within reason that is)!!

Any suggestions?

Go on you old dog.

Try odessa down from the central hotel. Should fit the bill. Very tasty. And not cheap.
Re: lunch

Jeez piggy, this is a fair leap from your "beans on toast"!! :rollin
Hope she appreciates the gesture.

legend that he is....

Hope she has cotton sheets and broadband piggy....

let us know if you get in there, we're all dying to know...!
Re: lunch

For somewhere that is absolutely top quality but on the pricey side is Derry Clarkes l'Ecrivain.
Re: lunch

I believe Guilbaud's in the Merrion Hotel does an excellent lunch menu that, for the superb quality of the food, presentation etc., is fantastic value. I think something around €35 a head.
Re: lunch

Last time I was in Dublin I went to an Italian on Dame Street called Da Pino. It wasn't very expensive but the food and service were of an exceptional standard. We ended up sitting next to Bono and family and the waiter told us later that it was frequented by the rich and famous. Not that the rich and famous are the best food critics, but it does say something about the service.
Re: lunch

Thanks a lot guys for all the suggestions.

Legend...I don't think she has broadband but we can't always be perfect

Great suggestions. Like the look of Patrick Guilbaud's a lot. Think that may be a runner.

Possibly not up to my beans on toast but should do the trick.
Re: lunch

I'm not big on suave but if it's your thing try Browne's (north side of Stephen's Green, near the Shelbourne), Shanahan's on the Green. Or the Shelbourne. Thornton's at the Fitzwilliam is supposed to be among the best and with its Mitchellen star (does it still have one?) its bound to be pricey! I caveat these suggestions by saying I haven't tried all of the above.

I prefer less suave and more good food. If you're willing to walk a bit go to Eden off Meeting House Square in Temple Bar. Similar atmosphere to Odessa but better food. I've given up on Odessa recently. It used to be my favourite place for brunch but the service was always middling to awful and now the food has deteriorated to such an extent its not worth enduring the awful service. What a pity! They used to do such a nice eggs benedict and kir royale!

I also love Avoca Cafe (top floor of Avoca Shop on Sulfolk Street). Great food and wine but a more hip and bustly atmostphere than the likes of Brownes.

Alternatively try Ely Wine Bar. More bar than restaurant (especially when it comes to seating which is informal, bar style) but lovely at this time of year. Very romantic. Limited menu but good, good food and lovely, lovely wine. Mmmm!

I've read good things about the restaurant that now occupies the basement of Mitchell's on Kildare Street too... (recently replaced Bruno's, or did I read correctly?)

For any of the above book well in advance. If its for this Saturday book yesterday!!

Re: lunch

Ok heres on that hasn't been mentioned - OnePico, my most favourite restaurant in Dublin. BTW I'd avoid Thorntons - IMHO it has no atmosphere and is overpriced.

Re: lunch

I was in Mere Zou at the weekend - great atmosphere - reckon there would be a nice buzz there at lunch time.
Re: lunch

Gilbaud's is a good recommendation if a little stiff. Shanahan's is dreadfully overrated IMHO. L'ecrivain used to be top notch with a great atmosphere.
Re: Shanahan's

Wouldnt be certain that they do lunch anyway

( not that I have eaten there ... just know them from the day job )


All i can say, is that if you're spending 35 squids on a bird just for lunch, excluding the sauce(probably fiver a pint, but I guess if its sauve it will be wine!!) that she better be seriously hot!
Re: ..

Not that the rich and famous are the best food critics, but it does say something about the service.

Do you mean that the service is cloying, sycophantic and obsequious? Or are you saying that the "rich and famous" are better judges of quality of service than the plebs? You're not by any chance?
Lunch food

I've been to Guilbaud's and let's not mince words it was a freaky expensive, food was incredible and the service was if anything a little over the top (a waiter each and silver domes for each dish). At the risk of sounding condescending its not the sort of place you can easily relax unless you are used to that sort of thing (you know, the high life), I was a bit on edge. I remember it cost (my host) about IR £80 per head for lunch (yes we did dog it a little)..I hope I struck the right note here as this post has the potential to be misunderstood I just mean to warn you a little.

Hope this helps

Re: ..

As a "bird", could I gently suggest that a flash lunch might not be the way to her heart, particularly if its a first date (well it's only a week or so ago that you were "gay" ). If it was me, I'd probably run a mile based on a mixture of vibe ranging from too much too soon, bit OTT, trying too hard to impress, too much pressure to a bit freaky. I might also feel I'm being "bought", however wrongly. I would advise less of the cash splashing and a bit more thought into what she might like. Of course this might be right up her alley, in which case feel free to tell me to put a sock in it but anytime a guy has gone on a big spend early on has given me the heeby jeebies.

Best of luck though - hope your sheets are in order and require more regular changing and replacement!!
Re: ..

well it's only a week or so ago that you were "gay"

Rumours are terrible things aren't they.

Actually, I know this girl really well Rebecca so I'm sure I won't be freaking her out.

Best of luck though - hope your sheets are in order and require more regular changing and replacement!!

Everyone always jumps to conclusions about those sheets

To be honest it's more of a thank you and treat (that this girl deserves) rather than anything else. After that she gets to see the sheets...