A new Education System

Most of the extra resources have gone into salaries. When there is a guarantee that no increases in funding will go into further massive increases in teachers pay then I would have no problem with it.

Here's an idea; Keep Irish schools open for another few months a year and spend that time teaching the kids. The staff are getting paid anyway so it wouldn’t cost anything extra.
Funny how there was no argument at all before then too.

However, no need for confusion. We were discussing the teaching of science and how to get children to buy-in to those subjects so there wasn't really an issue of or need to discuss resources because we were considering what could be done (within schools and using external resources) to achieve that.

We can play nice at times because some even expressed reservations as to the involvement of private companies. But at no point did we make it political. That is until the ultimate solution "just tax the buggers" begrudgery was played.
Oh sorry, I thought we were having an open discussion here. I see now that it's just about regurgitating the same old ideas that YOU like, and not putting out any ideas that don't suit you, regardless of their effectiveness or otherwise.

I'll get back in my box now, and leave you get on with your most productive discussion.
It was (emphasis on past tense) an open and reasonable discussion. If you didn't like the ideas then why didn't you comment on them specifically? Instead we had an adversarial, cynical comment quoting a reasonable comment completely out of context.

If your answer to improving science education and getting children to buy in to science is higher taxes then fine. But I thought you didn't approve of people discussing ideas for improvement on internet forums.
Forget the science, I propose some economics at school.

Teacher: "So Johnny, you have 8 multinationals. Let's call them apples. Would you prefer an 8th of each of the 8 apples or half of one apple?"
Little Johnny: "Why would there only be one apple?"
Teacher: "Did I mention that the one apple is rotten and the other 7 have moved to Poland?"

I'm not helping, am I?
Yep, it possibly was adversarial, though it wasn't really cynical IMHO. There was a discussion about providing resources, so I simply pointed out that taxation is one way of providing resources. Sorry if that idea offends some people, but there it is.
Taxation is only a way of obtaining resources, not necessarily providing them where best needed.

No guarantee that increasing the tax take will result in more money going into the Dept of Education's coffers
No guarantee that increasing the tax take will result in more money going into the Dept of Education's coffers

There was a massive increase in spending by the Dept of Education over the last ten years. Unfortunately nearly all of it was used giving massive pay increases to existing teachers.

Back to that economics lesson again:
"Hey Jonnie, two people are discussing their budget. The first says; we've just got a 20% increase in out budget. What do you think we should do with it?"
"The second says; why how about just paying 20% more for what we currently buy?"

"OK, Jonnie, here's the question; are they working in a business that trades openly on the world market or not?"