A little brain teaser


Registered User
See if you can figure out what these words have in common.

1 Banana
2 Dresser
3 Grammar
4 Potato
5 Revive
6 Uneven
7 Assess

If you want the answer, you have to start a big pension with us. ;)

I'll post the solution later, but as this was e-mailed to me, it's probably done the rounds so I may not have to. And of course some of the clever AAM folk may solve it anyway.
if you move the first letter to the end, you have the word spelled backwards
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if you move the first letter to the end, you have the word spelled backwards

check out the brain on Blinder, big kahouna burger for you (Pulp Fiction).

So, on a somewhat related note, what's the technical term for words that are spelt the same forwards and backwards? e.g. Navan - thinks it's something that sounds like "Ferodrome" (or maybe thats where iron men cycle around in an arena .....)
So, on a somewhat related note, what's the technical term for words that are spelt the same forwards and backwards? e.g. Navan - thinks it's something that sounds like "Ferodrome" (or maybe thats where iron men cycle around in an arena .....)
It's a palindrome.
Along the lines of word riddles here's one:

What country spelt with 18 letters has the letters in the order of vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant etc all the way through?
If you want the answer, you have to start a big pension with us. ;)

The developers are offering free fitouts, golf membership, cars, stamp duty paid & even Cape Verde apts.....the car guys are offering motors at knock down prices (ok....debatable), but Fergie tops it with an offer of a "put me out of my misery" riddle answer.

Ok....I have €1.256m to invest....worth every penny:D
"Along the lines of word riddles here's one:

What country spelt with 18 letters has the letters in the order of vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant etc all the way through? "

Canada Canada Canada?

Longest palindrome:
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

Also, not a palindrome proper (actually not even close), but I like the little witticism of the lady who said

'I'd rather have a bottle in front o' me than a frontal lobotomy'
or for word riddles,
how do you titillate an ocelot?
you oscillate his tit a lot.

Another riddle that someone told me they got off a DS game, but cant get it right.

how many times in a 24 hr period, will you see the same 3 numbers in a row on a 12hr digital clock? e.g 01:11
Can we get back to you tomorrow? ;)

"Also, not a palindrome proper (actually not even close), but I like the little witticism of the lady who said

'I'd rather have a bottle in front o' me than a frontal lobotomy'
That same lady also coined the phrases 'what the hell', 'one-night stand' and 'ball of fire'.

When challenged to use the word 'horticulture' in a sentence, she replied: 'You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.'
how many times in a 24 hr period, will you see the same 3 numbers in a row on a 12hr digital clock? e.g 01:11
Depends on how many you sleep through ;), but up to 16.

Highlight below to reveal solution (I think!!)...
twice for each of < 01:11, 02:22, 03:33, 04:44, 05:55, 10:00, 11:10 and 12:22 >
check out the brain on Blinder, big kahouna burger for you (Pulp Fiction).

So, on a somewhat related note, what's the technical term for words that are spelt the same forwards and backwards? e.g. Navan - thinks it's something that sounds like "Ferodrome" (or maybe thats where iron men cycle around in an arena .....)

Navan = Baah Baah?:D
Can we get back to you tomorrow? ;)

That same lady also coined the phrases 'what the hell', 'one-night stand' and 'ball of fire'.

When challenged to use the word 'horticulture' in a sentence, she replied: 'You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.'

On the same (or similar) note;
Q. What the difference between a policeman’s truncheon and a magic wand?
A. One is for cunning stunts.
What word is given to a word that has two axis of symmetry?, like NOON (Left to right, and upside down)

Answers on a postcard to AAM palindrome competition.
On the same (or similar) note;
Q. What the difference between a policeman’s truncheon and a magic wand?
A. One is for cunning stunts.

Same applied to the difference between baywatch and a circus, a circus being a cunning array of stunts.
Can we get back to you tomorrow? ;)

That same lady also coined the phrases 'what the hell', 'one-night stand' and 'ball of fire'.

When challenged to use the word 'horticulture' in a sentence, she replied: 'You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.'

Is that the same lady, when challenged to use the word 'contagious' in a sentence, replied:

'Me husband was mowing the lawn in the front garden and the back garden but it took the con... ' :eek:
That same lady also coined the phrases 'what the hell', 'one-night stand' and 'ball of fire'.

When challenged to use the word 'horticulture' in a sentence, she replied: 'You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.'

Without following the link, I knew exactly who you were talking about, since just one name leaps to mind when reading such sharp witticisms :p (although I didn't know she'd coined those phrases)