A guy reverses his car into me, then refuses to pay up.


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I was involved in an acccident where a Guy Reverses his Car into me, I was stopped at the time, he put on his reverse lights and came back into me, he cracked the front bumber (it needs to be repleced) the guy gave me his details (name, address, mobile) he didnt give his insurance details because he said he wanted to fix up by cash, he seemed a decent fella so I said okay, as its turns out, yes you guessed it, he dosent want to pay up, the dameage comes to more than 500 Euros. He did say that will pay 200 while he was saying that wasn't accepting any responsibility and it was my fault, and sure the bumber could of been broken before hand etc etc.

The Gardai wern't called as it was only a minor incident (no-one was hurt)

1. I dont want his 200 euros . . .
2. He should be a man about this and pay up . . .

So what are my options, Gardai, Small Claims Court, Solicitor ?

Any suggestions . . .

As above report it to the Gardai. Also consult your solicitor. Immediately. Small claims court does not cover this type of thing.
Try the following :
- Go to the gardai, they won't do much as they weren't call to the scene of the accident, but at least you have your side on record if it goes to court.
- Contact your insurance company & ask for any advise
- Get his insurance details (I think he is legally obliged to give them but not certain after the event....and always get them in future)
- Call his insurance company and tell them what happened & keep calling until you get a result. He does have the right not to go through them but if you keep calling and annoying them, they will keep hassling him.
- A solicitors letter might make him sit up but that will cost you a ew bob...no idea how much.

Similar thing happened me years ago and I resolved i would always call the gardai in future no matter how small a ding! My guy refused to let me go through a VW garage, refused to pay me car hire (wanted to give me £2 per day for bus fare), refused to go through insurance as he had corporate excess of £1000. Loads of phone calls & arguements eventually got it sorted, but very stressful !
At those prices (if correct....no idea) that means the OP will only get an extra €100-150 over what s/he has been offered....thats why I reckon she should try some other avenues first.

It does seem crazy that the small claims courts don't deal with these sort of issue as it would seem like the ideal option for small cases that don't really need/warrant a solicitor.
At those prices (if correct....no idea) that means the OP will only get an extra €100-150 over what s/he has been offered....thats why I reckon she should try some other avenues first.

It does seem crazy that the small claims courts don't deal with these sort of issue as it would seem like the ideal option for small cases that don't really need/warrant a solicitor.

:confused: I had an incident like this 5 years ago and the offending party had to pay my solicitor's bill. The guy who bumped into me tried to tell barefaced lies about the incident and only for my solicitor I could have been found liable, even though I was clearly in the right. Even if I had to pay my solicitor it would have been well worth €150 or €200 to avoid the hassle and the possibility of paying for the guy's own repairs as well as my own.
Get straight onto the insurance companies - both his and yours. You've tried to be nice, and let him sort it out without going through his insurance, and now he's acting the maggot.
If you go to the Gardai they will tell you who he was insured with if you have his reg. After that, pass the info on to your insurance company and let them sort it for you.
If you go to the Gardai they will tell you who he was insured with if you have his reg. After that, pass the info on to your insurance company and let them sort it for you.

Do the gardai have access to all Insurance Companys files?
They have access to the database of cars and insurers. When I had a tip recently (not my fault) and the guy left before I could get his insurance details my insurance company told me to go to the Gardai (I had his reg) to find his insurers and I did, and got the info.
The Gardaí only have access to the info given to obtain road tax. Given that tax can be paid without production of insurance docs the accuracy of the info the Gardaí have could be very dubious.
In my case I was told who the car was insured by but that it had expired 6 weeks earlier so I'm not sure. It's a start though.