A good day for democracy


You and your fellow travellers(easy and paisley,etc) would like to continue this tit for tat killing for how long

What killing exactly are you talking about you fool?
The IRA is on ceasefire and has killed no-one.
On the other hand, Loyalists have been killing each other with monotonous regularity.
Here are the statistics: - 2004

As you can see from reading them the Protestant deaths are the result of ongoing feuds within their own gangs.
The couple of Catholic deaths were the result of feuds within the 'dissident' republican gangs which are not on ceasefire, or by Loyalist groups.

This link is an extract from the NI Police Commisioners report:Paramilitary Violence

As you can see from that report the number of Assaults (beatings) perpetrated by Loyalists since 2001 has averaged at double that of the Republican statistic.

Its a lamentable situation that any such beatings occur, but they are primarily the result of failed policing arrangements in NI. However, I'd like you to explain why you don't seem at all exercised by Loyalist beatings.

You are a victim of brainwashing by politicians in the Republic (like McDowell) who see the building public support for SF as a threat to their political future. Linking SF to those attacks is a handy way to smear them and frighten idiots like you who can't think for themselves.

You mention racism - your leaders have bragged that catholics will outnumber prods in 2016.
What do they plan then? apartheid? exetermination?

You really are scraping the bottom of your mental barrel, aren't you.
When Nationalists outnumber Loyalists the Nationalists will out-vote them, and a new political dispensation will arrive democratically.

Bundoran is the North West, dimwit.
Thanks for the geography lesson, but I think the point just went right over your wee head.
I'll explain it to you slowly.
Get it now?

Its hard going explaining to you. I assumn you are a head strong tennager who need to see life a bit more

1. I hate Republican or Loyalist or any violence to any person.

2. As I have said here prev, I am from Tyrone and lived through the 60' & 70s so don't lecture or try to make fun of me. And I'll repeat this, after the civil marches were beaten by the forces of the state in form of the cameras, it was the beginning of the end of the Unionist Fascist State. The IRA by going to violence allowed them to carry on for 3 more decades and bred a level of hate in 3 generations of Irish young.

3. No one has the right to kill or maim anyone and it does bring tit for tat

4. SF will peak and fall back the way the Stickies did. Its a niche party and need to get rid of its secret army. You cannot have 2 armies in a democratic state.

If you lived through the 60s and 70s in Tyrone then it is your own generation which you referred to as being mentally retarded. What does that say about you?

Your argument fades away when faced with a few statistics which counter your lofty self opinionated prejudices.
You hate violence? Great. Is that worth wasting bandwidth and our time on? Whaddya want? A round of applause?

You're entitled to your views on where the Nationalist/Republican movement 'went wrong'. Maybe from rural Tyrone it all looked cozy down on the farm in '69 ,while we in Belfast were catching hell. But thats history. The present is much more interesting.

A lot of folk are in denial about the gains made by SF. Time will prove them wrong, because unlike C2I, a large proportion of the electorate is becoming daily less slavish to the doctrine of McDowell/FF and the PDs.

Tiocfaidh ar Lá
ah, you are a teenager !

Thats OK, you've never really seen violence, except on TV.
When it happens to real people, its different.
Your opinion will change.

Have a nice day