A brilliant "Just a minute quiz" answer

Betsy Og

Registered User
Taken from independent.ie (a top 10)

10. What star do travellers follow?
Joe Dolan

The topic reminds me of a story from The Gerry Ryan show, talking about burials. A guy ring in and Gerry asks him where would be like to be buried? Now I wont repeat the full import of his statement in the polite confines of AAM, suffice it to say that Bibi Baskin was mentioned and there was other alliteration in the response!
My Favourite was the question "As Happy As..."

Contestant: <Long Pause>

Larry Gogan: <Hint> "Think of me..."

Contestant: "A Pig in Sh**e!"
My favourite (although I can't remember the exact phrasing of the question)

Larry: What "M" is the office of one country in another country?

Contestant: <ehhh> Mission?

Larry: No, Embassy.

I was only about 14 but had to stop listening after that one.
Larry: where is the Taj Mahal
Cont: opposite the dental hospital*

*For the younger folk there used to be a restaurant called this opposite the dental hospital in Dublin