A bad week for the Labour party


Registered User
First Brendan Howlin, now Roisín Shortall.

If you can't bring yourself to express confidence in your Minister, then why haven't you resigned ?
Never mind Shortall. Howlin should resign or be fired.
How long would a manager in the private sector last if he was given a modest target of €75m (5% of total) and achieved €3.5?
not long! but the problem is he is not a manager in the private sector, this is the government and they get to make the rules to suit themselves.
How is that Labour would rather present this utterly useless and embarassing 'reform' report to a shocked media/public than face down the unions?
Why have the unions got this complete hold on Labour? Have they 'dirt' to blackmail our Labour TDs?
The mind boggles.
How is that Labour would rather present this utterly useless and embarassing 'reform' report to a shocked media/public than face down the unions?
Why have the unions got this complete hold on Labour? Have they 'dirt' to blackmail our Labour TDs?
The mind boggles.

They had the same relationship with FF.
The one thing that strikes me as unusual in this thread is the presumption that the creation of a two tiered pay system in the Public Sector is somehow the fault of the Unions.

I think I'm right in saying that the reduction in pay rates for new PS employees was a budgetary measure & not a part of the Croke Park Agreement .

I do feel that the nature of such a two tiered system will have hugely detrimental effects on IR relations within the Public Sector in coming years however I'm equally certain that the blame for this inequality will be levelled at the employers who are responsible for such inequality & not the Unions .

On mature reflection I think this post should have appeared in the thread on PS allowances !
I do feel that the nature of such a two tiered system will have hugely detrimental effects on IR relations within the Public Sector in coming years however I'm equally certain that the blame for this inequality will be levelled at the employers who are responsible for such inequality & not the Unions

Hard to see the unions having any credibility in this scenario in 10 or 20 years time. They've shot themselves in the foot by agreeing to a differentiation. Like any other organisation, it's short term snouts in troughs behaviour and the kingpins in their late 40s and 50s won't really be affected when it all comes apart. Maybe a different union will represent the new joiners at that stage or maybe each individual will have their own union.....
The one thing that strikes me as unusual in this thread is the presumption that the creation of a two tiered pay system in the Public Sector is somehow the fault of the Unions.

I think I'm right in saying that the reduction in pay rates for new PS employees was a budgetary measure & not a part of the Croke Park Agreement .

I do feel that the nature of such a two tiered system will have hugely detrimental effects on IR relations within the Public Sector in coming years however I'm equally certain that the blame for this inequality will be levelled at the employers who are responsible for such inequality & not the Unions .

On mature reflection I think this post should have appeared in the thread on PS allowances !

You're reaching, stretching even...
No - I'm sure I'm right.

The reduction in pay for new entrants was a part of budgetary measurements & had nothing to do with the Croke Park Agreement.

Such reduction together with the pension levy & pay cut were arbitrary decisions by the Government as employers & will be seen as such by new entrants & existing employees - the Unions will certainly hammer this message home.

A simple message - they arbitrarily cut our pay & they arbitrarily cut your starting salary , we were never consulted nor agreed to the two tiered system-who is to blame - the employer !
A simple message - they arbitrarily cut our pay & they arbitrarily cut your starting salary , we were never consulted nor agreed to the two tiered system-who is to blame - the employer !

I'd certainly think twice about paying a subscription to a union that tolerates a situation where a subset of its members are on inferior pay and benefits for the same work. Seems to me like the exact type of thing the unions will have to make a stand on. If they leave it too long, it becomes a very slippery slope indeed.
No - I'm sure I'm right.

The reduction in pay for new entrants was a part of budgetary measurements & had nothing to do with the Croke Park Agreement.

Such reduction together with the pension levy & pay cut were arbitrary decisions by the Government as employers & will be seen as such by new entrants & existing employees - the Unions will certainly hammer this message home.

A simple message - they arbitrarily cut our pay & they arbitrarily cut your starting salary , we were never consulted nor agreed to the two tiered system-who is to blame - the employer !

so why are'nt the Unions up in arms over this, calling existing workers out to strike in defence of future members???
Why- because the Unions are going to let this go, as it does'nt affect them. It'll be someone else's problem in 20 years time. They're giving their agreement to it by their lack of action.
And probably the major reason whythis is going ahead without too much hassle - the current batch of PS/CS workers are thinking to themselves 'phew, we survived a big cut there'...'move on quick, nothing to see here'. They have no stomach for a strike over this
No - I'm sure I'm right.

The reduction in pay for new entrants was a part of budgetary measurements & had nothing to do with the Croke Park Agreement.

Such reduction together with the pension levy & pay cut were arbitrary decisions by the Government as employers & will be seen as such by new entrants & existing employees - the Unions will certainly hammer this message home.

A simple message - they arbitrarily cut our pay & they arbitrarily cut your starting salary , we were never consulted nor agreed to the two tiered system-who is to blame - the employer !

Nothing happens in the Public Sector without a union sign-off.
so why are'nt the Unions up in arms over this, calling existing workers out to strike in defence of future members???
Why- because the Unions are going to let this go, as it does'nt affect them. It'll be someone else's problem in 20 years time. They're giving their agreement to it by their lack of action.
And probably the major reason whythis is going ahead without too much hassle - the current batch of PS/CS workers are thinking to themselves 'phew, we survived a big cut there'...'move on quick, nothing to see here'. They have no stomach for a strike over this

By which time someone, somewhere will bring an action against the government of the day claiming unfairness of payment, which will cost a fortune in repayments to affected workers. You heard it here first.
By which time someone, somewhere will bring an action against the government of the day claiming unfairness of payment, which will cost a fortune in repayments to affected workers. You heard it here first.

i'd say you might'nt be far wrong with that one
I'd certainly think twice about paying a subscription to a union that tolerates a situation where a subset of its members are on inferior pay and benefits for the same work. Seems to me like the exact type of thing the unions will have to make a stand on. If they leave it too long, it becomes a very slippery slope indeed.

Just curious - have you ever paid a subscription to a union before?
First Brendan Howlin, now Roisín Shortall.

If you can't bring yourself to express confidence in your Minister, then why haven't you resigned ?

Roisin Shorthall has apparently just resigned as junior health minister and resigned the labour party whip. It seems she has a conscience.