94d merc c class



I have very Very bad condensation build up inside car ( i have to wipe windscreen reguraly). will a new windscreen(bonded)fix this ? @ how much? or is it worth it . Car has 98k
Depends how the water is getting into the car.

Can you find a leak , air gap somewhere ?
I was told By a mechanic that, a give away sign was a white smear like milk on the bottom corner (driver side)of window
shows something like a broken seal
It sounds to me more like the seal (black rubber between the glass and the metal) around the windscreen needs to be replaced. Or is the glass bonded to the metal in a 94 car?
Are you sure the air intake pipes (usually located under the lip of the bonnet near the base of the windscreen) aren't just clogged up with damp leaves or something?