84% of AAM'rs voted Yes. What does that say about us?


Registered User
Moved from another thread - Brendan

Interesting that so many on AAM voted yes. What does that say about AAM? We are all from a certain class/background/education?
Re: AAM Lisbon Poll for the craic (no opinions, just Yes or No)

Yes I would say it's fair to say that most of the posters on here aren't skinheads or corner boys with hoodies who are more than happy to cause ructions at the first available opportunity and who know as much about Politics and Economics as I do about effective methods of knee capping ie SFA.
Re: AAM Lisbon Poll for the craic (no opinions, just Yes or No)

At the minute this AAM poll is showing 94% yes, 6% no. It'll be interesting to see if frequent posters on AAM reflect society in general
The funniest thing I've read in ages!

No both times for me btw.
Re: AAM Lisbon Poll for the craic (no opinions, just Yes or No)

The funniest thing I've read in ages!

No both times for me btw.

Excluding wives, spouses and family members I make it 84% yes, 16% no (someone can feel free to do a recount).
This is a very interesting question. From time to time, journalists ask me about the profile of Askaboutmoney users. We don't collect any data so I can't tell them.

Our Posting Guidelines are very different from most other websites. I would describe them as responsible. We don't allow defamation not just for legal reasons, but because it's unfair. We don't allow bad language. We don't allow or we restrict a lot of pointless discussions - share prices, house prices, politics, etc. We don't allow icons. We limit signatures. We ask people to be civil.

So I suppose that it tends to be more serious and less frivolous than other sites.

That obviously puts off a lot of potential users who prefer the much less restricted nature of other sites. And, of course, we have banned a lot of users who would not respect the Posting Guidelines.

But why would a higher proportion of "serious" people support Lisbon?

I find most polls on websites meaningless, so we don't allow them on Askaboutmoney. But this was a very interesting poll. Should we have a few other polls in the Letting Off Steam forum to try to get a profile of the Askaboutmoney Frequent Poster?

What topics could be usefully polled?
Age - I suspect the average age is a lot older than other websites
Employment status; working; public sector employee; unemployed
Annual income: less than €100k per annum; more than €100k per annum
Home owner
Attitude to NAMA?
Attitude to An Bord Snip recommendations
Which political party will you vote for in the next general election?
Belief in gods; none; one; more than one; don't know
Employment status; working; public sector employee; unemployed

ahem - the first two are not mutually exclusive despite what some people might believe!! This did give me a giggle though!

Disclaimer - I am a (badly paid and non permanent with bugger all pension entitlements due to not very many years of service 'cos I was once employed by private sector companies in the UK) public servant who also works whilst at work and isn't on askaboutmoney apart from evenings and weekends and the odd legally entitled to break/lunch hour.....
What topics could be usefully polled?

Employment status; working; public sector employee; unemployed

if you were going ahead with this exercise it might be interesting to do a further breakdown of employment. A list such as insurance companies use would be good. You know that list that always begins with "abbatoir workers"

i'd love to know what percentage of members are in services that are frequently discussed on the forum. (insurance, legal, welfare etc etc)

Annual income: less than €100k per annum; more than €100k per annum

this would be also be better if more specific, there are families surviving on so much less.
Hi Brendan. I think the idea of the survey is a very interesting one. If you're going ahead, I'd suggest you might consider the following as possibilities. You could tweak them as you saw fit.

In Emploment, I'd have a tick box for Director, Management, Self employed, part-time etc., too. Also, a tick box for having a partner who works/doesn't work.

As a sub section of Unemployed, you might have boxes to indicate if the member became unemployed in the past 3 months, 6 months, etc.

Under Annual Income, I'd break it down to jumps of €20k up to €100k and maybe jumps of €50k after that and have a top one of maybe €250k+. I think having one box only for less than €100k would be fairly meaningless. And maybe you could have a starting point of less than €30k.

Something I'd like surveyed also if I was doing a survey (and it might be of little use to you) is the county each member lives in, with a box also for those AAM members who live abroad.

With regard to which party we might vote for next time round, I'd put a box for Independent/Other as well, as I feel that quite a few people will vote with local issues or vested interests in mind.

And finally, a question. Who in AAM would be privy to the information supplied by members? To expand the point, many posters enjoy being able to do so annonomously but, nonetheless, would be very happy, I'm sure, to take part in the suggested survey. I think that you, for example, would have to have access to the information yourself but I don't think that a lot of members would be very happy if the information was shared with others, e.g., Moderators.

Best of luck with it.

Number of children.
What social class do people consider themselves.
Education level.
"Class? what is 'class' anyway? No such thing in Ireland"
"Oh so you are middle class then? what makes you think so?"
"Working class my ass - why did you then say in post X that..." etc

That kind of thing!
That kind of thing!

I agree with you Caveat - we would need some kind of definition for it to be meaningful - although upon reflection I do not know what kind of definition we could use, as an example, myself and OH earn double what the BIL and SIL earn, yet they live in swanky area, 4 bed house, SUV etc....while we live in less nice area, 2 bed apartment, ancient car.

The difference between us is that we dont live in any debt, and we like to spend our money on travel and self education.

So our earnings would say we had the higher 'social class', the lifestyle would say the exact opposite.

I conclude - there is no way of defining it.

I withdraw that suggestion!

But I add another one - how much debt are people in and how is it spread, mortgage, loans, CC?
Which newspapers do you read
Where do you holiday
What type of car do you drive
In addition to home owner, how many bedrooms and is it terraced, detached, with garden etc
Are you a holiday home owner in Ireland or abroad,

(obsession with property don't you know)

I'm middle class by the way and so are most regular AAM'ers but I could be wrong. Maybe I'm not middle class because I drive an Opel Agila.
Which newspapers do you read
Or which magazines/journals do you subscribe to/read (doesnt count if you only read them in the GPs waiting room - and only then because he has no other reading material!!)

What type of car do you drive

And how old is it.

I'm middle class by the way and so are most regular AAM'ers but I could be wrong. Maybe I'm not middle class because I drive an Opel Agila.

Definition please
I think the less complicated the better.

While the salary issue is basic at the moment and may not give too much clarity, I think only expand it along the lines of tax brackets.

Wouldn't include social class at all, its too vague. And I'd personally leave the employment as is, without too much detail.
Cars are important if AAM is anything to go by. The boys see it as a huge status symbol and buy a middle class car for themselves (even if they can't afford it ) whereas the girls have no interest in such things and as long as it's reliable and easy to park it doesn't matter what kind of car it is. But most middle class families have a family saloon type vehicle or SUB or people carrier, including my household.

The Canaries. A world of difference though between say Playa des Ingles and La Gomera.

No there's not.

And maybe you could have a starting point of less than €30k.

Just in case the 'lower classes' participate. God forbid. What would the 'middle/upper/delusional classes' think?