I don't want to break the rules by speculating on future property prices, I readily admit that nobody can predict the future and that there are too many variables for anyone to do so. I will just ask the following question(s):
Assuming most people looking to buy a property have a €30k - €40k deposit saved, does this not mean there will be downward pressure on apartment prices if the banks will only give you 80% of the price?
i.e. Assuming the deposit from savings figure is roughly correct, the max that most people will be able to borrow for an apartment will be in the region of €150K - €160K.
Also by setting it to 80%, are the banks not kind of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy? They have set it to 80% as a contingency against price drops, but by doing so they have increased the likelyhood that the price drops will occur.