79 yr old parent entitlements if one adult child still at home


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Recently widowed parent is 79. One adult child is still living at home and working full time and another is living at home but claiming job seekers.

Until my late mother's death, they never claimed any 'extra' social welfare other than their pension. They had no need .

Anyway, as my father is now on his own pension only, I would like to look into what he is or may be entitled to.

It is my understanding that he will get the household benefit of electricity and TV license and because my brother still lives at home but works full time, he would be means tested for anything else, such as fuel etc ?
I believe that the parent should be eligible for household benefits package assuming that no one else in the household claims it.

For fuel allowance, i think everyone in the household needs to meet the criteria so if someone is employed that may mean the parent is not eligible.

Do they have medical card? Travel card? If not they should apply.
For travel card, might be worth applying for companion pass.

As an aside, the two adults living in the home shpuld be contributing a regular amount also.