6 tonne satellite headed our way and NASA can't tell where its going to land


Registered User
Sounds like porkies to me! Given the amount of boffins employed at NASA it has to be a relatively simple mathematical calculation to figure out where it's headed.

Sometimes what they don't tell you is much more interesting than what they do tell you.
Too many variables involved in predicting where it'll come down. How it interacts with the atmosphere is impossible to predict with the level of accuracy required to give a landing zone. The debris field is likely to go on for many miles.
Plus it's not going to come down in one piece, it's more then likely going to break up into lots of different pieces
Plus it's not going to come down in one piece, it's more then likely going to break up into lots of different pieces

And each piece will be just the size of a chihuahua's head!
Of course when I thought about it without the benefit of a couple of glasses of Merlot I understood why NASA would refuse to be more specific.