6.7% for 9 years.

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Last week it was being said that for Ireland to pay back the IMF at a rate of 5% would cripple the country.
Now it transpires that the rate is 6.7%, for 9 years.
Election, anyone?
Time to increase that 12.5% corporation tax. It's as hackneyed a Fianna Fail mantra as Lehmann Brothers.
that is dreadful news, how on earth did they negotiate that price. i just dont know what to say.
Time to increase that 12.5% corporation tax. It's as hackneyed a Fianna Fail mantra as Lehmann Brothers.

Do that and the multi nationals will start looking elsewhere......we have to default now....there is no other option and burn the senior bond holders...they gambled...why should we pay....lots of us never saw a tiger at all.
Do that and the multi nationals will start looking elsewhere......we have to default now....there is no other option and burn the senior bond holders...they gambled...why should we pay....lots of us never saw a tiger at all.

Not if we negotiate with them. We don't have to raise it to 35%. Some will leave, be we are over-dependent on FDI anyway.

Checkout Politics dot ie
An increase in corporation tax would move jobs out of the Country. We should decrease and bring in jobs.

I guess EU would object.

A structured default for banks has to be a serious option.

Otherwise we sink.

Bondmarkets wont lend, so IMF/EU in driving seat.

I thought 5% was bad, but 6.7 % is severe.
i dont get the answer to my question, the IMF are already here so if ireland defaults now, what can they do?
Unbelievable - we should have sent Gogartys daughter in to negotiate!!!!

ah yes ya can't beat the charm of the oirish...arn't we just full of it. Now who's laughing.
I think the government leaked this rate to get the conversation out there. A lower rate circa 5% will probably be announced later next week.
I think the government leaked this rate to get the conversation out there. A lower rate circa 5% will probably be announced later next week.

the oul softening up approach again... jebus they can't keep playing that card anymore...the situation is too serious and do they still think were all brain dead out here in reality land.
I think the government leaked this rate to get the conversation out there. A lower rate circa 5% will probably be announced later next week.

I hope you are right and I also hope that rather than being c. 105% of the capital it's a lot closer to the 50% haircut that I referred to above given that the whole € experiment comes down with us if we fall


This post will be deleted if not edited immediately - just had a thought, the Shinners are begining to sound plausible at this stage :-(
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately - just had a thought, the Shinners are begining to sound plausible at this stage :-(

I never thought I would be thinking the same. At this stage I will vote for anyone who is willng to tell these financial rapists where to shove their bonds (hopefully where there is little or no sunshine!)
+1 and may the FFers rot in hell for pushing us towards the arms of the Shinners who still have a strong whiff of sulphur about them!


too true.....this is the best window of opportunity opening up to them against all the odds.......just hope they keep it to politics and not violent protests, god knows we don't need all that kinda stuff again.
Don't forget if we default we have to live without any bailout, our banking system would callapse overnight - all major companies would get screwed.

(How much do Tesco/Dunnnes/Rhattigans/Microsoft/Elan/etc...etc ... across all industries have on deposit in the current banking system to pay their day to day runnings ???)
If we default and banks go under how can we run the country ??

Also we're currently bringing in a budget to cut 7 Bill - how about cutting 20 Bill overnight ?? where would that put us ?? How many more would end up on the Dole straight away ? How many mortgage holders would go under because the taxes and payments would then be absurd ?

The bank guarantee lasts until end June 2011. We can't really default until then. The question is how to keep the country running in the short term until then and restructure the banks so that there is a sytem in place that can withstand any/all possible consequences.
dont know about you but i would never borrow money above 5.5% personally, and never have!!... this is not a bail out.. we have no option now but to burn the bond holders.. and so we should.. the rate should be 2-3% same rate as the UK is able to borrow at. and the ECB should take control of our banks 100% we have shown we are not able to do anything with them... now that would be help and that would sort things out.
Do that and the multi nationals will start looking elsewhere......we have to default now....there is no other option and burn the senior bond holders...they gambled...why should we pay....lots of us never saw a tiger at all.
I agree, default is the only option. At a debt level of close to €200bn by 2014, 6.7% will be €13bn per annum in interest. If you heard someone tell you that they spend 33% of their income on an interest only mortgage you'd tell them they're mad. This type of excessive amount of debt is exactly what caused this crisis, going deeper into the doodoo will only make things worse. When you're in a hole stop digging!

Don't forget if we default we have to live without any bailout, our banking system would callapse overnight - all major companies would get screwed.
Why would banking collapse? Did this happen in Russia or Argentina when they defaulted? Banks can be wound down and sold off in an orderly fashion. They are not even zombie banks anymore, they are corpse banks, and the sooner they are privately taken over the better.

Increased taxation does not equal a budget cut. Ireland would recover in a very short period of time if it defaulted similar to Argentina, who eventually paid 30 cent on the dollar, and the budget was cut, as in actual less spending, by 50%. Gasp, surely that is impossible and would throw us into the stone age? Absolutely not. Very few people ever talk about the the US depression of 1920. When president Harding entered office in 1921 he cut the federal budget by 50% over two years and decreased taxation. By the end of 1922 the economy was not only recovering but booming.

Of course Ireland can default before then. And there is a perfectly workable system in existence to deal with the banks and bond holders, it's called the profit and loss system.
The guarantee is absolutely worthless as it could never ever be enacted. Freeze all interest payments on bonds, call all bond holders to the table and aim for 30 cents on the euro or less.

I believe banks would collapse becasue it would introduce an automatic run on deposits and banks would be forced to close doors. Also major depositors like these large companies would lose out big time.

Did you live in Argentina after this happened or back in US in 1922 ? You're talking about the same principles in a totally different era. By the way can you follow on from that on US - why did it boom again ?? - and then go BUST massively again in the 30s ??

Yes that was an incorrect statement - of course we can default (in fact I actually was implying we will) - but then the onus passes on to ECB - who have given us their guarantee. (By the way, you say it's worthless - I don't understand this - can you explain ?). I believe the bondholders will have to pay. Everyone is talking about it now. Angela Merkel made the statement again that they would have to take the share of the burden and I see this as an indication that it is going to happen. But we have the window where we are guaranteed by ECB until July this year to sort out as best we can our system to have the least minimum impact on the Nation.
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