5th anniversary of smoking ban


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Today is the fith anniversary of the introduction of the smoking ban.

Did you give up? Do you smoke more than you ever did?

Personally it has made me very sensitive to smoke that I can smell cigarette smoke from a mile away now.
Most probably agree, it was a good thing.

All the fuss at the time, and yet even the smokers can live with it no bother.
It has changed my lifestyle dramatically.

My OH smokes - we used to go to the local for a few drinks c. twice a week. No more. It annoyed him having to go out to smoke, and it annoyed me holding up the bar on my own.

So - most likely a can of beer or 2 or a glass of wine at home. More money in the supermarkets pocket than the publicans
.... the smokers can live with it no bother.
I don't think so....we're just resigned to it

Why they couldn't have given the option to bars to include a separate smoking area (no more than one third or half the size of the premises) with extractors, is beyond me.

Smokers around Europe are cursing our lead on this....they're even checking the joints in Amsterdam coffeeshops for tobacco now...oh the irony
I have never been a smoker, so I welcomed the smoking ban with open arms No more sitting in restaurants with just a plant between me and the smoking section
I swore I'd give up at the time but haven't - yet.

Hasn't made much difference to me though as we very rarely go out to the pub. Go out for a meal about once every six weeks or so and it doesn't particularly bother me - I can wait until the end of the meal. I guess in general though, I probably smoke a bit less than I did pre ban.
Smokers around Europe are cursing our lead on this....they're even checking the joints in Amsterdam coffeeshops for tobacco now...oh the irony

We were there last summer and it was a bit bizarre. Paid a visit to Mellow Yellow and were asked if we wanted to smoke indoors to which we replied, a little bemused, "Er..yes?!"

"In that case you can only smoke x or y as the other options have tobacco in them and you must smoke them outside..."

Understandable, but odd nonetheless.
I'm a 30 a day man who enjoys a few pints and while at first I was utterly opposed to the ban, now I think its fantastic. The odd time I've been in a country without the ban, I find it repulsive TBH and the hangover is twice as bad. Probably smoking slightly less when I'm out too. I work mainly outdoors so unfortunately the ban has done nothing to reduce my daily consumption. All in all, I think its a good thing.
Its the changing smells I have noticed most! In the first few months after the ban many Pubs and Bars had a slightly stale smell about them as it took time for the years of smoking smells to subside, then everywhere smelled great, but now sometimes when you are in a packed Pub you would almost wish for the wafting smell of cigarette smoke to mask the odour of they who are allergic to soap and water.
Good point Gillarosa. I did notice that the gas from people's bottoms became much more noticeable too.