4TRESS Steering Lock?


Registered User
Hi Folks,
Does anyone know anything about these steering locks? Good, bad, indifferent?
I was looking at getting an alarm put into my car but friends are telling me I'm better off to get a good lock instead plus the fact it would save me around €200!!
Any one out there got one of these or suggest anything else?
Thanks in advance,
Have a link to the lock?
Most of them are crap.A good alarm immobiliser,clifford,toad etc would be a start.
Here you go.

[broken link removed]

UK site however I've come across them in stores in Ireland.
Imo your wasting your money.The only steering wheel lock i heard good things about is the disc lock [broken link removed]
I've heard you can still steer with these,not sure on that though.Depends on how valuable your car is too you,i have a clifford alarm/immobilser,cost 800 euro but i can sleep most nights