4th provisional



I got my first provisional licence when I was 18 as a form as ID (11 years ago) I renewed it as a second provisonal 2 years later (as ID again as there was no such thing as garda approved id cards then) and then left the country for 3 years, never haven driven.

When I came back I got my third provisional licence and drove on it, subsequently failed my first test, and am now on my fourth provisional as I have had to wait a year at a time for my test. I am very worried that if I fail again that I am in trouble of being put off the road indefinitely with all the new legislation being talked about and the disgust that is apparent, that some people are driving on a 4th or 5th provisional.

Can anyone allay my fears, explain what may happen or anything I can do?
The new legistration is long overdue.
I suggest get some lessons before your next test. You may have developed alot of bad habits as a provisional driver without instruction. Best of luck
You won't be put off the road if you fail your test. You'll get another provisional. So you'll be okay, but you really should be more positive and put the work into passing the test this time. It will bring your insurance down and afterall it's not exactly the most demanding of test.
the test has got nothing to do with ability its all down to quotas and keeping that juicy overtime going (and yes i have before you ask)
its all big talk from the goverment... if they put people off the road for failing the test no one would do it....
contemporary said:
the test has got nothing to do with ability its all down to quotas and keeping that juicy overtime going (and yes i have before you ask)
...urban myth.

People fail the test simply because a) they can't drive correctly or b) they don't drive correctly on the day of the test. I did my test overseas - failed it on a Monday and passed it 2 days later (no queues there!). I didn't improve as a driver within the 2 days - just did a better test the second day.
i wish it was a myth, 50% plus failure rates? I'd expect to be hit once a week on the road at that rate, face it these testers allowed a massive backlog to be created by 1. failing more than they had to 2. not allowing private testing 3. not allowing more public testers to be employed. the only solution was to pay them overtime, so they keep failing people which increases the queue which keeps the juicy overtime comming, its a self-fulfilling prophecy
well, the rate of deaths on Irish roads would suggest a sizeable minority of drivers in the country aren't very good, so high failure rates are not suprising. The problem isn't with the 50% fail rate, its the fact that after failing you can continue to drive unaccompanied. Now thats a truely bizarre law!

your points 2 and 3 are well made.