40th birthday present

Having passed that 'significant' birthday a while back, can I suggest you avoid the obvious, 'young-as-you-feel'-type frivolities? (vouchers for motor racing/parachute jumping, etc.) They really just make things much worse...

Buy him one of those ab-cruncher thingies!
(mwahahahahaha.... )
an post vouchers one 4 all are great presant it can be spent in a variety of shops. Has he got any hobbies
If you have a video camera you could make a video of all his friends and family saying individual birthday messages. Then at the end play all the funny bits with music over them, even a total amateur video looks hilarious with music instead of sound. It will take a few evenings to make but it's a really special present that he'll have for life. Maybe his wife would help you. It's a great idea if he's not having a big party.
At the risk of sounding curmudgeonly like Larry David, what's the protocol on an in-law.

Not a blood relation.

If spouse's brother, then onus is on spouse to make the gesture. If married to sister, then how close is the relationship? I have one brother-in-law and I didn't even send a card for his 50th earlier this year, though did fund present from kids to him.
My sisters-in law have had 'zero' birthdays in recent years and my wife (their sister) organised the present thing.
For some really great and unusual gifts, including falconry walks, helicopter rides, murder mystery weekends, drive a Lamborghini etc, go to [broken link removed]
I have a similar problem, but it relates to a 60th birthday party.

Someone I used to work with and have remained friendly with. Don't really know him well enough to get something very targeted and would welcome any suggestions as to something 'safe' but original.

How about a Magnetic Globe Puzzle - if he has grandchildren they can work on it together - makes a great conversation piece also
there are six children in my wife's family. when the eldest reached 40 the rest of the siblings clubbed together and sent her and her spouse off to paris for the weekend, while looking after their children. in turn when my wife reached the milestone we were dispached childless to the city of love
How about 40 pints in his local pub? They'll give you a receipt for 40 pints and then tick one off every time he gets one.
If, he has a favourite football team what about €40 bet on them winning the league and €40 bet on them winning the cup and depending who he supports a €40 bet on the Champs League!