407 Vs Passat


Registered User
Ok well im thinking of buying either of the above cars. The 407 would be 2litre hdi, 06. Or a new model passat 06 1.9tdi.

I have falling in love with the look of the 407 but know that the passat would hold value better when i go to sell it. (passat also a lovely looking car)

I do alot of miles so need diesel. Also need space. Dont want jeep/space wagon.

Im just wondering does anyone have any experiences of the 407 or the new passat? :confused:
The day you buy is the day you sell. There is only one obvious answer to this question ... def. Passat.
If you are doing a lot of milage see if you can push yourself to the 130bhp..you wont regret:cool:
Hey, mrs racso drives a 407 but it is the 1.6 diesel version and I have to say it is a brilliant car. Performance wise it is extremely nippy and economical for a 1.6. It really is a lovely drive and exremely spacey.
407 coupe is nice..but choosing between passat or 407? definitly the Passat..it got that luxury look over the 407
I have falling in love with the look of the 407 but know that the passat would hold value better when i go to sell it.

Agree with you here.

Although the new Passat is a nice looking car the 407 design is one of the nicest on the market imo.

Decisions, decisions...
hi guys.

Well thanks for the comments, but im more confused than ever!! I will just have to test drive both and see. I was watching the videos on whatcar.co.uk and it was saying the 407 was hard to see out of etc.

Then for some reason i watched the passat and though great shir why not!

The two cars are near enough the same price. Can anybody tell me what is the deal with the key fob to new passat and is it really a button to start it?

All i know is that for 3 months i was getting a 407 now i cant decide when the time comes. This will be my biggest purchase in a car ive ever made so will need to be a good one as well as look cool! :p
407 looks better, drives better, Better engines, About the same service costs but the aftersales service in Peugeot garages is better. The passat
holds its value better but that just down to people thinking V.W. is better, Breakdown wise the V.W. will more and be off the road more. If your worried about looking cool u might want to know the amount of the traveling community driving passat's is unreal. Trust me I'm in the motor trade.
MR2 is wrong

IMO the 407 is horrible looking.

French car reliability Hmmmm

French car resale value, I don't think so.

ALthough I would't get the 1.9 tdi passat.
We have the comfortline passat 1.9 tdi and find it brilliant. Our one is a 105 bhp and its fairly nippy when overtaking etc. The cruise control is handy on the motorways! It is a key start is simple enough. The electric brake took a bit of getting use to. its a button on the right hand side of the car. On the hills i was still reaching down for the handbrake!! Im very impressed with the car. I was also thinkging about the peugot but got cold feet when i started looking at the second hand value of them.
Get the Passat unless you get a good deal on a nearly new 407. The value of all french cars plummet as they roll out of the showroom
anybody mentioned the price between the 2?

are they on the same price tag?
They are in and around the same price mark. I would be looking to get a very high spec car.

I was checking up the prices and seems the 407 new is about a grand dearer than the passat, maybe i am wrong.

Ive just been looking on carzone and cbg couple of nice ones for 30,000/31000.

If i got the passat i wouldnt bother with the 1.9 as i said orginally. i would defo get the 2litre.

My family all drives vw's and although good. they are plain. I have had peugeots as far as I can remember and have never had any trouble and from what i can see the 407 doesnt seem to much trouble compared to the 307!!

I have to think more! :D