4.89% 2-3y fixed.Good value?


Registered User
Just wondering is this rate as good as I'm going to get. I'm currently with IIB and my first year is coming to an end (currently on discount tracker of 4.69%) The have offered me 4.89% fixed for either 2 or 3 years. The variable at the moment with IIB is around 5.2%.
If the property is your home and the loan >=€200,000 you could switch to ICS for a 2-year fixed rate of 4.65% (APR 5.2%) with a €1,000 contribution towards legal fees (subject to a 5-year clawback).

AIB have a 3-year fixed rate of 4.7% (APR 4.79%).

See if IIB will match those rates.

Liam D. Ferguson
I would have thought there would be very little flexibility with regards to fixed rate negotiation.

However, you can negotiate the variable rate and would be suprised if you could not get better than 5.2% on offer.
Thanks for the advice guys!

I went on the ICS website but the cheapest rate I can see there is 4.7% variable?

My current loan is 150,000 over 30years less than 50% Ltv. How would you know if they are offering other customers a better fixed rate?

This Mortgage business can be so confusing
IIB have rates of 4.65% and 4.75% for new customers fixing for two and three years respectively. You could try to get them to offer you them but be prepared to threaten to move your mortgage.

ICS rates quoted above are up to date. You won't qualify for €1,000 legal fee contribution as your mortgage is <€200,000.
well I rang IIB told them about the rate with ICS 4.65% which IIB also have for new customers, the girl said she would have to run it by her manager first and would be back to me on Tuesday. So fingers crossed...if not I will have to go to elsewhere as they're existing bus rate has now changed from 4.89% to 4.99% in the last day or 2 and is for 3 or 5 year fixed grrrrrrrrrrrrr
As mentioned in the Best Buys thread on this forum - since your LTV is under 50% then the lowest rate is available from NIB at 4.5% (tracker) They will cover legal fees if you use their solicitors too. If you are set on getting a fixed rate - they will also let you fix for 2 , 3 or 5 yrs at 4.64 , 4.55 or 4.56 respectively.