4.65 versus 5.25fixed


Registered User
as it says.. wondering whether to fix my mortgage at 5.25 for 2 years or stick with the 4.65 variable..WITH PTSB... the way variables are going could be hitting the 6% mark in next 18 months?? any suggestions??
I’m in the same situation.. PTSB are offering terrible rates at the moment. I’m going to stay on the variable until they decide to raise the fixed rates... then i will face the headache of making a decision!
Have they offered any longer terms 3,5,10yrs?
5.25% is terrible, but MAY pay dividends within 6-8months (anyother .5% rise would bring it to a par), but anyone fixing now should really consider longer terms, as under 6% may seem like a great rate in a year or more (especially with PTSB).
Those PTSB rates are extortionate...no wonder they didn't need a bail out, their customers will do it for them at those rates.