3rd Level Fee's only 2nd level fee paying should pay

Why stop at 3rd level? Why not charge fees/loans for 2nd level students too?

As Purple said, 2nd level education is optional. Also, those with a 3rd level education have higher earning potential than those that go to work straight after 2nd level (with some of their tax funding the education of 3rd level students.) In an ideal world 3rd level would be free, but Ireland's economy is far from ideal at the moment and was probably never really able to justify funding this.
With the loan play the first money the exchequer will see will be 6-8 years from now.

I presume things will be sorted out one way or another by then.

In the unlikely event that they are, we will hopefully have learned lessons about what this country can and cannot afford to do. Presumably, when things are sorted out, we''re not all just going to go 'happy days are here again' and land ourselves in another mess.
2nd level is optional too after 16, so I presume you'd be happy to introduce charges for LC students too - right?

You are correct of course in nothing that graduates have higher earning potential, so they will of course pay for their 3rd level education through the tax system anyway over time.

Well, if you think the economy can afford it, faiir enough. I don't agree and, as someone who worked full time and went to University at night I don't see anything wrong in having to contribute to your 3rd level education over time. In fact, I think you appreciate it more when it isn't just handed to you on a plate.
I'd be interested to understand what differences you see in paying for 3rd level, and paying for the non-compulsory bits of 1st (up to 6 years old) and 2nd (16 and onwards) levels.