Laya 3Adult Laya Renewals/Alternatives?


Registered User
Its that time of the year again and looking at renewals for parents & inlaws. Renewals coming in at:

1 x Laya Essential Connect Family €969
2 x Laya ConnectCare €1409

As stated in recent threads, ConnectCare has shot up, and its seems VHI are more competitive this time around. One of the ConnectCare members has been informed they may need a hip replacement, so am conscious of any switch not impinging on continuation of benefit nor any unforseen costs (ie excesses) though not against the idea.

Would appreciate any recommendations...

Thanks in advance

I'm looking at reviewing my cover and looked at the Laya "create your scheme". One difficulty I'm having is in deciding level of cover needed. i.e. what are the consequences of excluding private hospitals etc. Is there any way of getting good advice on required level of cover more or less essential to getting access to needed medical services should something to happen to me/family without any of the add on frills? Once the kids are over 18 the expense of retaining the previous cover levels are becoming astronomical. I would like to reduce cover but don't want to exclude something that may be vital to any treatment.
Laya use terminology such as "certain cardiac" procedures. When I asked their customer service could they list them I was told that the list was too long. Also on orthopedic cover in the Beacon their literature lists that there is a "shortfall" in cover there. Not very clear. Again when I pressed I was told that it was "shared cost" as distinct from shortfall. In other words you share the cost between you and the hospital but again unclear as to what percentage. I was told that we wouldn't send you there anyhow we would send you somewhere else where you would get full cover.
This is what I mean!! The whole area of health cover, what is essential and what is not is mired in this type of lack of clarity. We know we need to pay for cover, but I certainly can't afford to pay the "gold plated" level of premiums for private rooms etc that are not essential to receiving essentail medical services. Can anyone throw a light on the issue?
I always found the Health Insurance Authority website very useful when reviewing cover... the Compare Your Plan option. It's tricky if you are starting without a plan to know what level of cover. But if you have a current plan, use it as your benchmark and go from there.

Also, on the Health Insurance Authority website, the Latest News section lists any plans currently on special offer with discounted price.
Did you check out Laya's 'Create Your Scheme' online?

I found it very helpful when renewing and got a much better deal from Laya.

I had a quick look at it, and I guess it all depends on what you are looking for, but selecting:
hospital cover=Enhanced
hospital excess=€125
everyday medical expense=Comprehensive

it offers Advantage 125 Choice, which compared to connectcare seems to be an inferior offering [broken link removed] at an equivalent price range..

With so many products out there, I'm searching for the golden nugget they hid away amongst them all :)

I'll let you know if I find it!!!

As I have posted before, I use a health insurance specialist who really knows his stuff.

And since doing away with "authorised advisors" and "multi agency advisors" he can now advise on all the providers in Ireland.

I keep on telling him to come on here but he hasn't. If anyone wants his details, email me at and I give you his contact details.
