3 day week payments



Hi, recently been put on a 3 day week and I am getting 2 days allowance but my co workers are getting 3. The only reason I can find is that a few of us sign in on sw office and everyone else is claming from another in a different county. I rang my sw office to query this and was given very short change. Can anyone explain this to me and any suggestions please?
The difference may be due to the actual days you're working, and if they differ from your colleagues.
Perhaps you don't qualify for full JB and are being paid for 3 days at a different rate than your colleagues? Check out www.welfare.ie for information on part-time working/short time working.
Bally1, I'm on a three day week since January, and I get paid for 2 days, so I get €81.70 each week. I work the same 3 days every week and it is (hopefully) a temporary situation.
Friends of mine in the same situation are getting 3 days pay (€102).
I queried this with my SW office and was told the reason I get 2 days and others get 3 is the following:
1. I'm on what they term 'systematic shorterm working' and not casual, ie I work the same set days every week
2. I was with my employer for more than 6 months
3. I put on the form that it was a temporary situation (still 6 months later and no sign of a 5 day week being reinstated)
4. I started my claim in 2009 as opposed to 2008

Hope this helps.
Thanks for your replies, I understand your answers but I dont think they apply as I know that everyone is on roughly the same wage and the 3 days are the same for everyone,service varies from 20 years to my 9. The only difference I can see is that I had to make my own claim and the local office came in and helped anyone who fell under their catchment area. Could there be a difference in how I made my claim?