3 bed semi - painting quote?


Registered User
I have asked a painter to quote me to paint internally a standard 3 bed semi. The whole house all rooms except box room & bathroom. Any idea of what the approx costs should be. I will supply paint myself

Hi Larry,

we have a similiar house, and it cost us €250 for a handyman to paint the box room and the bathroom. I would estimate maybe €150 per room for all the other rooms.

funny you should ask that question today, last night I rang an uncle of mine based in Mullingar, the very same question, he's a painter, he said to let him know when we get the keys and he'd sort it out plus the paint.

Info provided after further digging, paint for 3 bed semi, if new, would cost approx 350 for him to buy, including for skirting and things around doors. He said that if he was to charge commercial prices that would need two people for a week.. approx. cost would therefore for whole house including paint about 1700 Euro, nearly fell off chair.

Lucky us though said he'd do it for paint and little extra to pay second person, oh yeh, I assume dinner every day is included too. Thought it was very nice of hime, best of luck
We asked the builder who'd worked on our house to quote for painting the entire house (ceilings included, paint straight on top of new plaster so 3 coats required) and he quoted E5,000 (including paint I think.) In the end we painted it ourselves... cost exclusive of paint was a year of weekends and most of our old clothes...
Moving into a new 3 bed semi in a few weeks. Spoke to the painter yesterday about extras. I asked how much it would be to paint the house in colours of my choice rather than the standard Georgian 13. He said there was no point as there would be cracks in the walls after a few months anyway. Might as well go with the standard for now and I can always paint it myself whenever I want.
speirbhean said:
We asked the builder who'd worked on our house to quote for painting the entire house (ceilings included, paint straight on top of new plaster so 3 coats required) and he quoted E5,000 (including paint I think.) In the end we painted it ourselves... cost exclusive of paint was a year of weekends and most of our old clothes...

I thought the quote from uncle was high??? I am currently typing from the floor
I was just quoted 3,500 to paint four downstairs rooms, hall and landing and another 3,500 to paint outside of 4 bed semi. It seems a lot as we could get it done eventually ourselves. I hate to give up every weekend for ages though as we've already given up too much of our lives to managing a never ending extension project. Is there any cheaper way to oursource
not what asked, i know. but seriously, painting is not all that difficult. buy a few tins and rollers, brushes etc and give it a bash. you cant go far wrong. if you're nervous about making a bags of it, start of with somewhere inconspicous and see how you get on. i've painted plenty rooms, no experience, grand job. you only run into a wee bit of difficulty if you need to fill/sand walls before painting, which is still manageable but not as easy as it looks!
Without trying to advertise, I happen to know a painter that would do it for a lot less than the quotes you guys got. If you want to get in touch with him just pop me a message