2nd hand car+rights


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A friend of mine recently bought a 2nd hand car from a guy who sells cars for a living,unfortunately she got no guarantee with it, the car is 3 years old,lately it has not been driving well and she got an independant mechanic to look at it and it transpires that the back axle has been damaged a long time well before she bought it,what rights has she in relation to repair? as he is not accepting responsability.
Is this guy a private seller or a dealer?

You have very few legal rights if you have bought the vehicle from a private seller rather than a dealer.
If the defect makes the car unsafe, the law is clearly in your friend's favour. Sec 13, par (2) of the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 provides:

You can read it in context here: http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/1980/en/act/pub/0016/index.html