250GB External Hard Drive


Registered User
Can anyone recommend me a 250GB external hard drive? Will be just using it for storing pictures and the likes. I have someone over in the states so looking to buy on Amazon for around $80-$100. Thanks
the western digitals are very popular and reliable. Ive never had problems with them. you an pick up a 500gb on [broken link removed] for 69e.

if you put all of your files on, what happens if you lose it or it crashes, so now you have to buy 2, if youre just putting pics and files on then you may be better off just getting 2 x 80gbs but if youre putting mp3s and movies on then 160-250gb is a minimum

note: externals are getting smarter all the time so you can load pics, dvds and mp3s to them and play them straight though (and record from) your tv ala this one [broken link removed] for around the 150e mark. A bit more pricey but very feature rich.
I would also advise if you need a HD, then you need to two. One for a weekly back up and the other for say once a month. Personally I'd got with the 2.5" drives which no power cable just USB. Much handier.
You can use your external harddrive but if the data is important you should look to use an online backup solution too, something like mozy.com which allows you to backup 2gb for free. Note, you should look to limit how much you back up to mozy as your broadband upload speeds are probably low and it takes a bit of time to upload.
How long would it take to back up 250GB or 500GB on a slow internet upload? I don't see how its any more secure then a local medium. I don't like the idea of giving all my data to someone else to mind. Considering the amount of personal data companies leave all over the place for third parties to get.
Can anyone recommend me a 250GB external hard drive? Will be just using it for storing pictures and the likes. I have someone over in the states so looking to buy on Amazon for around $80-$100. Thanks

I have a Seagate FreeAgent 250GB for sale at present if you are interested?

It was used once to backup some data, then put back in its box.

Backing up 250GB over most broadband connections would take a very very long time, a few days at least.

It is more secure than a local medium because your local medium can fail, can be stolen or damaged. Backing up your most important files to an online backup is a good idea (I mean the really important ones like source code if you do any programming, or client files, basically the ones you cannot loose - dont use it for backing up music files etc, it takes too long).

Most if not all online backups require you to install a small application on your computer that will encrypt your files before they leave your computer and are sent up to the online backup. Usually not even the online backup companies can access your files as they are encrypted.

I wouldn't trust the marketing myself. Online services, like webmail have failed in the past, and I just would be wary of them. If they work for you, then thats great.

I don't want to split my back up into some online, some local etc. A lot of my backup is music , photos, graphics. Its about 200GB. I'd say many people have a similar mix. Proably even more. I have my on encrypted external drives, and they are not all stored in the same location.

Heres a good article about it...
[broken link removed]

But like you say if you only small amount of data it might be worth it. As a 2nd backup to a local solution.
I bought a 500gb external hard drive last week from Elara.ie for €96. I store all my music and DivX movies on it. It also backs up my C drive daily. Feeling a bit nervous now reading some of the dire warnings on previous posts!
I think the best thing is to have more than one copy, and if possible on more than one medium and in more than one location.
I think the best thing is to have more than one copy, and if possible on more than one medium and in more than one location.

A few friends and family do the "offsite storage" disk thing where if one of us has bought a large external disk, we've bought 2 instead, then put all photos, music etc on the 2 of them, leave one with the friend/relation who puts all their files on, swap every now and again and keep uptodate.