25% tax free on pension lump sum?

The 25% lump facility is only available under the following:
- Personal Pensions (self employed)
- PRSA’s
- Defined Contribution occupational pensions.

The 25% facility has always been available for Personal Pensions and PRSA’s. The facility was introduced to Defined Contribution a number of years ago (cannot remember exact year).
Thanks, Conan for such a speedy reply.

A couple of years ago, I cashed in my UK personal pension and on my Irish tax returns (as I have been resident for tax purposes for some 8 years) I just put it as income earned. Recently I spotted a post on AAM that someone was entitled to 25% tax free on a lump sum. That got me thinking so I wrote to Revenue.ie on 23rd March but haven't had a reply as yet - I thought they were meant to reply within 20 days.

So this post was really just to confirm that what I read in February (I think) was correct.

Thanks again for your quick reply.
You can also take 25% of a UK personal pension tax-free. If you were in a position to cash in the entire pension fund (on the grounds that it was considered a "small pot pension" under UK rules) then the 25% would be tax-free and the remaining 75% would be taxable.