240km a day unnecessary school run


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'Insane' rule leaves mum with daily 240km school run: indo

Madness, absolute madness! :eek:

It wouldn't cost anyone an extra cent to have this poor girl on the bus. Without knowing anything about her condition, I would still guess that 'on the bus' interaction with other kids would be somewhat beneficial to her.

The family are being pushed into unnecessary expenditure (1200km = €120 in petrol for me, never mind the car maintenance) at those very difficult times, all for no justifyable reason. Unbeliveable!
Yeah totally agree and it's a crying shame that you need to go to the papers to get heard in order to change things but fair play to the mother drawing attention to the story.
Just guessing, but I'd imagine the bus doesn't go by her door. That if the mother didn't do a 240Km journey, the bus witha dozen other kids in it would.
Just guessing, but I'd imagine the bus doesn't go by her door. That if the mother didn't do a 240Km journey, the bus witha dozen other kids in it would.

But the article says that the bus does go by pretty much their house.
I dont get this!

Is the child's special school 120km (240km round trip) from her home?

What regular school bus travels 120km to school?

According to google maps directions the distance is about 60km or 120km return. Thats 600km a week.

Now that is still a lot of driving but I think this is an example a badly composed piece of muddled up writing by journalist (Barry Duggan).

[broken link removed]
P.ie have an interesting discussion on certain other aspects of the story
I dont get this!

Is the child's special school 120km from her home?

What regular school bus travels 120km?

My reading of it is that the school is 60km from her home (60km there, 60 back, morning and afternoon). Sounds a bit mad.
My reading of it is that the school is 60km from her home (60km there, 60 back, morning and afternoon). Sounds a bit mad.

Thanks Ceist,

Yes it seems its 60km out in the morning and the 60km back in the morning.
Then its 60km out in the evening and 60 km back in the evening.

240km a day 1200km a week.

Nevertheless I cant work out whats wrong with the local special school in Lisnagry Co Limerick.

Ballina is adjacent to three counties Clare, Tipperary and County Limerick.
My reading of what was a poorly worded article was that the special school the child attends is actually more appropriate for her disabilities than the nearer school which is why the mother has her attending it.
+1 on what derek said.

When I was in secondary school one of our neighbours had to travel past 2 "special needs" schools to get to a third which was the most suitable for him.
Just thought this article gave some interesting insights into the dilemnas of parents of children with disabilities.
Yes the reaction to the article here and the P.ie discussion [broken link removed] gives some interesting insights into the dilemmas and frustation faced by parents of children with disability.

The article itself however is muddled, confused and badly drafted.