24/7 Christmas lights


Registered User
I switch off the Christmas tree lights and outside decorations when going to bed. Several neighbours leave their lights on all the time and one will have the tree lights on 24/7 for about 3 weeks.

Surely the 24/7 lights are potentially dangerous around trees and curtains if they become faulty and overheat.

Any thoughts?
It is certainly wasteful. But then again I has no seasonal lights at all. Humbugs all round.
its their esb bill!

Maybe they with Bord Gais;)

As a matter of interest I see very few houses adorned with Christmas lights this year but I have my Christmas candles shining brightly on all my windows so Merry Christmas to you all!
Agree very few lights on display this year. Thankful in a way as some people went OTT in the past. Those ridiculous blow up Santa's who lay deflated for eleven months of the year!