2006 VW Passat - viewing km ph?


Registered User
Hi, I am hoping someone can help me? Until recently I could view the km ph in the speedometer but now in it's place it is showing me trip miles?

I have looked in the book, where it says press to 0.0 button until you get the desired function while the car is stationary. This is not working for me? Am I doing something completely obvious that is wrong?
Do you have have a trip computer? If so, go to menu, settings and then there is an option for km/mph
passat problem


If you are driving one without the trip computer display screen then try the button on the end of the right hand indicator stalk. it should move you from trip miles, then miles per gallon, then trip time and average speed and eventually back to the display you used to have.

Thanks for the suggestions but I don't have a trip computer in the car. I also tried the buttons at the end of the indicator but they are just changing the main screen on the dash for me. I'm looking to change the little box at the bottom of the speedometer from a trip miles reading to showing the speed I'm doing in kilometres - it's driving me mad because I had the kilometre reading up to a few days ago and my other half managed to change it on me and I can't seem to get it back...