2003/2004 Returns



Just looking for some advice. I earned 5000 euros in 2003 in total in the whole year just doing some work for myself. Do I have to declare this money and pay any tax on it.

Also I continued to do this work in 2005 and earned 9000 euros and also I started a permanent job where I earned about 17000 in wages. How much tax do I owe on the 9000 in this year?

If I declare the tax I owe will I be audited because I have not declared on time?

Thanks for your time,

In general all income should be declared even if no income tax liability arises. What sort of work were you doing and were you working as a sole trader or what? If you only earned 5K in total in 2003 then there is probably no tax liability. If you earned a total of 26K in 2005 (?) then you will be liable for tax on the non PAYE (?) income. To estimate your total liability on 26K you can use [broken link removed] but double check all calculations/figures (e.g. the calculator makes some assumptions about PRSI class and allowances that may not apply in all cases) before filing a return. [broken link removed] in relation to "other earnings" outside a PAYE job might also be of interest to you. The sooner you deal with any outstanding tax liabilities the better as ignoring them or evading tax will probably come back to haunt you more severely in the future. If in doubt get independent, professional advice. Revenue are generally very helpful and will not be unnecessarily harsh if you are coming clean as soon as possible after liabilities were due.