20 month old baby on a plane

tiger woods

Registered User
We are due to fly out to faro on our jollies with our 20 month little girl next month.We will be flying at 6.00am even though it is a short flight,we have been told by friends to give them a shot of calpol/nurofen or has anyone any tips,and can we bring on some juice we know that we might be asked to taste it first,also we are flyin with Aer Lingus,thanks
Why medicate the child? Is it suggested it will make her sleepy or to help with the ear popping? either way, I wouldn't give it unless she actually needs it.

I don't know what the current laws are about bringing liquids on board but someone else will. For take off and landing though, it's a good idea to give a child a drink, the act of swallowing will help with the ear popping.

Couple of tips I learnt while travelling with my little one. Ask at check in if they can try and keep the seat next to you free, if the flights not busy they will usually try. After take off it gives you a bit of space to put baby down.

I never dressed my little one if a flight was in the early hours, I'd lift her from bed, get her to the airport and change her after check in or even on the flight, depending on when she was fully alert. It helped keep her in her usual sleep routine.

For longer or overnight flights I'd bring her on the plane in her PJ's so she was comfortable and change her about an hour before landing.

Happy Jollies :)
I don't see the need for Calpol either. If she used a soother that will help with the ear popping. Bring lots of bits of things to amuse her in case she wakes fully and finds it all very exciting. You can buy a juice after you go through departures so I wouldn't worry about it.
Enjoy the holiday!
I've flown alot with my little ones.
The longest flight was 12 hrs when they were 6 mo and 28 mo.

No need to medicate them.
Remember to bring plenty of nappies in your hand luggage in case flight is delay for 9 hrs...worst case scenario.

Bring a lunch box with various little treats to dole out...raisins...bread rolls...maybe jellie beans. Bring an empty sippy cup or bottle. and you can fill it once you get to the other side.

If she has a dodi bring it...that will be good for the ear popping.

I forget what stage they are at at 20 mo (my baby is 3 now)
But the mini magi-doodles are great...especially if they haven't seen them before the flight...and the portable dvds too.

Crayons and a few pages torn out of a colouring book.
Generally I find they are fascinated by the goings on are generally very well behaved...cept for the time my 2 1/2 yo was banging the tray off the seat in front and I didn't notice cos I was gas-baggin to the lady opposite..passenger had to tap me on the shoulder :eek:

Another thing I found brilliant at that age was the little back pack with the harness...gives them a little freedom and you can take your eye off them to look around

Up to recently they were available in The Great Outdoors in Catham St in Dublin City Centre
I won't medicate unless it was needed.

As above - loads of little toys & treats. If your girl doesn't use a soother, is 20mths too young for a lollipop (it's amazing how quick you forget the different stages!!) Lollipop is handy as it lasts for a while & easiy to pack one for take off & 1 for landing.

Loads of people told me what a nightmare it would be, but we were lucky & found that at that sort of age they were either tired and slept most of the way or they were engrossed by all the new faces.
Echo all the other comments and would add the following:

If this is the child's first flight, they might feel a bit airsick - tho its a short one and they most probably won't. Would keep them in their PJs and let them drink only water beforehand in case they barf and need a change.

Let the child breakfast on the plane at the same time as the bar service is coming through - helps them feel included and you'll have a better indication how they feel by then - but remember that some airlines will not heat or reheat food for you. A cup of hot water (free from the trolley) to mix with some powdered milk or readybrek is v.handy.

I fasten my seatbelt and the child seatbelt very loosely - it enables a bit more movement while keeping cabin crew happy. If your take off is delayed its tough to keep a child under-2 parked on your lap unless they are asleep, which at that point in the trip is very unlikely.

Also, be ready for a negative reaction to the plane's bathroom. Our youngster hates with a vengeance being changed on the plane and has screamed to the point that all heads turned to look at the howler when we came out - and that's over the noise of the plane through the door! The pull-down changing table is also completely flat and unpadded, so a towel or travel changing mat is needed.

Personally I would wait until you're in the airport at the other side before changing the child's clothes, and even the nappy if you can tho I appreciate this may be impossible. One of you goes and dresses her while the other waits for the bags.