2 year old apointment for a mammogram!


Registered User
I got an appointment in the post for my two year old daughter to have a mammogram on Tuesday. Correct name address and DOB.
The hospital could not explain how it happened. An administration error apparently.
Meanwhile my Mother-in-law had to go private in order to get a mammogram a few months back.
I found it amusing at first when I got the letter but then remembering my daughter's stint in hospital and how we found it impossible to get any follow-up on the battery of tests performed on her I wasn't so amused.

Chaos seems to reign in every area of our hospitals!
To be fair - a single administrative error like this is hardly, in itself, evidence of chos.
It is far from a single administrative error but illustrative of the chaos that reigns in this particular hospital.
Both my daughters have been admitted to this hospital at different times with different illness.
Both were subjected to a battery of tests, both blood tests, x-rays and otehr invasive tests.
On two occasions my older daughters blood test results were 'lost' meaning she had to be subjected to the same tests again, she was two at the time and it is harrowing to watch.
I am not basing my decision on one error.
When lives are at stake we can not afford to ignore stupid mistakes and forgive incompetence.
It is attitudes like that which allow our hospitals to function the way they do.
Erros like this are in my book unforgiveable.
Have you made official complaints about these errors to the relevant authorities?
Yes I most certainly have and my complaints have been dealt with as they occur.
But apparently no systems have been put in place to prevent these types of errors occuring again.
Once is enough for the mother or father of a sick child to have to worry and chase up results.
When it happens again and again it just gets frustrating and adds to the trauma of having a sick child in the first place.
To then receive an appointment for for a mammogram after going through hoops to get the necessary tests and results just makes my blood boil.
It is not acceptable.
Banham - fully agree, it's not acceptable........

Maybe you should bring your 2 year old along for the appointment, together with a photographer from one of the papers to capture the faces of the staff scheduled to carry out the mammogram?
