I own two residential properties in Ireland.Property A valued at 330k and property B at 300k....mortgage outstanding on A 196k and on B 145k.Not crazy about selling either property during the present climate but am interested in a third property value 400k approx.
Aiming to apply for a third loan as closes to 400k as possible(equity in both my present properties is quite high) and go interest only on all three for about a year 'til I find a comfort zone for repayments.
Am I being realistic about any institution lending me a further 400k on top of my present mortgage of 341k(196k+145k) and does anyone have any other ideas/options?
Aiming to apply for a third loan as closes to 400k as possible(equity in both my present properties is quite high) and go interest only on all three for about a year 'til I find a comfort zone for repayments.
Am I being realistic about any institution lending me a further 400k on top of my present mortgage of 341k(196k+145k) and does anyone have any other ideas/options?