Hi we recently put our home on the market (3 weeks ago) had a couple of viewings but no major interest so I contacted Dublin City Council and inquired about them buying it. They said they were interested and sent out a surveyor on 1 day and valuer the next (I was led to believe the process would be much longer). Anyway the valuer said that they would definitely put in an offer and they would be in touch by the end of the following week which was yesterday and we heard nothing. Estate agent called and told us that we had a viewing this morning, she came and loved it and put an offer of 5 grand under which we were delighted with. Agent also said that when he contacted the Council that the valuer was away for 2 weeks and someone else was filling in for her and would be in touch with us with an offer (obviously we are delighted). My question is although the Council offer wont be as much (we believe) we are wondering with the current housing market and sale agreeds falling through all over would we be aswell to sell to the Council as a precaution? I know the best offer you get would normally be what you would accept but we bought 11 years ago and have made a profit of 220000 and would be willing to go with a lower bid for the security, also we have a house picked, a new build that ticks all the right boxes for us and we would love to put deposit down on it but are afraid if we take the private offer it might fall through. Sorry this post is so long but Id really appreciate your opinions or advice, thanks!